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Please Help!! Stuck on NS Hideout!!


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Cant figure out what to do once in the room with all the boxes, and the trash compacters....somebody just tell me what to do! Ive gotten to the place where there is the mine cart that is stuck, does that have anything to do with progressing in the level??

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I posted this answer in another thread asking the same question:


In the hall with mining carts in it Force pull the one right in front of you and then go back the way you came--back to the room with the tall stack of crates, back through the trash compactor. Then you go into the rooms with the little sniper windows. In the left most one(the one furthest from when you first enter the level) is a crate you can force pull. Behind it is a tunnel you can walk along, you'll end of behind one of those mining carts you saw before.


The rest is up to you.


Hope that helps

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