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can someone tell me about the realistic sabre combat?


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The console command is this


g_saberealisticcombat 1




And as for your ready and defensive stances....


You ready stance will be when you are NOT pressing ank keys....



You will automatically change to your

defensive stance if attacked

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If that aint working, it's:


g_saberRealisticCombat 1


I think these commands might be case sensitive...it works though I got to try it once when it let me play more than 5 minutes before I crashed. It's some pretty twisted sh*t...almost more grotesque than a bunch of blood sprayin hehe. They slice in half like warm butter then twitch and writhe a bit, reminded me of Monty Python & the Holy Grail.


There is another one too its like g_dismemberment 1


It lets you carve them up like a serial killer and even have your way with whatever is left of the corpse. I wonder if Wal-Mart knows about this =)

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Guest Darth Massacator
Originally posted by UltrasonicLoop

Nothing of these console commands work for me istit because i've got the german version (i'm german)



Are you starting off with "HelpUsObi 1" first, then typing "g_saberrealisticcombat 3" ? I'm almost certain you have to have the cheats enabled first before you type in the saber command.

It's pretty sweet in single player, I wish it would work for multiplayer though.

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I have the german version too... I tried 2 different dismemberment tools (1. crack, 2. the cfg-file).


Dismemberment did work ,but the largest thing that ever came off was an arm! no bllod or twitching or anything...is there a "full"-crack, like there was for rtcw?


btw. now, after fiddling around with the cfg and the crack, my savegame is screwed up: the kyle model exists twice, and it bugs me! i hope that goes away with the next major level change...

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Guest Darth Massacator
Originally posted by UltrasonicLoop

I'll try but is the sber-command enabling dismemberment ???


Yes, it will.

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Hey all-- You Germans got the short end of the stick on this...


I found out that the German version has some gore-protection or something of the sort (no one has blood though...its not part of SW) I found this file that patches that, allowing dismemberment and so on...you can download it here---




Follow the instructions included in it, and there ya go.


(I take no credit for the patch/crack or any of it...and it's not my fault if it messes anything up :) It works fine for me)

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Guest Darth Massacator
Originally posted by UltrasonicLoop

Well I'll try this one. Will be posting if it worked or not.


@ Darth Massacator

but I heard g_sabercommand also enhances the lightsaber damage.


Hmmm..... not really sure on that. I rarely use the "light" style of saber combat so I would suppose if you could slice 'n dice while in "light" style, then it probably enhances the saber damage as well. From reading the others posts I've seen, there might be a chance that the game released in Germany may not have the code. But I'm totally guessing on that.

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If you read the config files from the package at http://www.maddes.net/temp/ you would know that there are several variables which interact which each other. Here's the info copied from the config files....


Regular dismemberment:

"seta sp_language 0" - sets language to english. Needed on startup as otherwise g_dismemberment is read-only ingame, can only be changed through the specials menu (assets9_102a.pk3 by myself) and not ingame with the key binding or console :(

You can change the language again when the game has started through menu/key binding/console.

"seta ui_iscensored 0" - disables censorship, needed for dismemberment to work ingame.

"seta g_dismemberment 3" - enables dismemberment

"seta g_dismemberProbabilities 0" - "Excessive" dismemberment (if you want it gore-like check out the next section)


Heavy dismemberment: (if you want it gore-like, cheat)

This is a real cheat as it allows you to always kill regular enemies with one strike, on the other other light saber enemies can cut you as easily too.

"seta helpUsObi 1" - enables cheats in SinglePlayer, needed for g_saberRealisticCombat to be set and work

"seta g_saberRealisticCombat 1" - enables realistic cutting for light sabers


There are some systems where these settings do not work, unfortunately I do not know about a fix for this problem yet. As of now I know about two persons with this problem (1xWinXP and 1xWinME, I use Win98SE).



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