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SP Skinning

Lord Markaine

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Or what if I just wanted to replace Kyle with an already existing skin like Lando. How or is it even possible. And also is open the pk files with winzip, extract them and move the pk files would the game run smoother since they would be uncompressed? Don't answer that... Nevermind. But please can someone help? Thanx.

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Guest Kiramin

I tried to do that with luke.

I extracted luke's skin folder, and renamed it "kyle" and paked it into a new pk3 file named lukesp.pk3 (which I found necessary to make it work).


I now looked like luke in both SP and MP (when I was using the "kyle" skin).


There is one problem though. If you change the kyle model file/folder (even if its another model from the game) the weapons no longer are held correctly by the model. For example, when I looked like luke, all the weapons were attached to luke's foot. It was kind of funny actually, because you could jump on top of stormtroopers heads and decapitate them with the LS. Anyway... I also tried the same thing with the rebel commando skin, and though the lightsaber looked right, he held all the guns crooked.


The odd thing is that in MP, the switch worked perfectly and all the weapons looked normal. Since both the MP and SP exe's use the same pk3 files for the resources, this says to me that there is a difference in the code of the SP.exe that effects how the weapons are held that makes it impossible to change the SP model without changing the code (and since we will never get the source code for SP this says to me that you will always have to use the kyle model in SP).


I HOPE I'm wrong and there is some other file or cfg setting or value that you have to change outside of the model folder that will allow you to change SP models, but I have a sinking (or skining???) feeling that there wont be any levels out there where you plays as a rebel commando or a stormtrooper or anyone but a retextured kyle skin.


Please! Someone tell me that I'm wrong, and tell me how I can change the SP skin!


Thank you.


-- Kiramin

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I replace Kyle with a shadow trooper and that worked fine. Then i replaced the saber with a reborn saber and my shadow trooper kinda held it funny! Easily fixed though, just use the button u have designated to swith weapons and cycle through them a few times, it worked for me!!

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hey valenious could you tell me how you did that. I would very much like to play sp with the shadowtrooper. I also noticed looking through the pk3 files that there is a blue and red shadow trooper skin, do you know how to use those instead of the default all black skin?

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Can someone please explain to me HOW does one extract the folders for the characters??? I opened the file in Winzip but I get LOTS of INDIVIDUAL files but NO FOLDERS! Please help, and don't be afraid to over-explain, I have not a clue.


Thanks in advance.

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