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Reborn Skins (mp)

Oni Kage

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Greetings Fellow Jedi,


I recently finished and posted a skin pack that enables all of the Reborn skins in multiplayer. There skins do not overwrite any other skin and each comes with a unique icon and two team colored skins. I hope you enjoy it, the file and a screenshot may be found HERE


May the Force be with you,

:fett: Oni Kage



Mista over @ Jedi-Outcast.com was kind enought to host the file!

You can find it HERE


May the Force be with you,

:fett:Oni Kage

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It is linked properly but the transfer rate has been exceeded. Actually blame Geocities.. they only allow a pitiful bandwidth. I am hoping that anyone who has managed to download this file will mirror it and place a link in this thread. You'd be doing the JKII community a great service.


May the Force be with you,

:fett:Oni Kage

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  • 2 weeks later...

Actually the pack isn't all that needed, unless your intrested in the extra CTF skins.


If you want to use the SP reborn without downloading any files at all....


In game press shift and ~ then type:


model reborn/acrobat

model reborn/forceuser

model reborn/boss

model reborn/fencer


This will alow you to play as SP reborn in MP.

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