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pure brilliance! BEST GAME EVER!


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ok, I just got the game today, and it OWNS!!!! I played for 6 hours and it only seemed like 30 minutes! ok, this is what I have done:

started single player game, got stuck on first level, then I went online and started dueling, I was suprisingly good for a newbie, went to force on duel server and configured it to dark side, and I decided I didn't like it and went to lightside.


then I decided to go to a bespin team FFA, I went to the pad that blue seemed to be controlling and Annoyed them, by basically waiting for them to run at me and sidestepping or jumping over them. FUN! then I dueled a bit on the pad and quit because it was 10:00. purely amazing. and if you want to find me online look for a luke with a blue sabre.




weee soo fun, now I am gonna see :lsduel: when I close my eyes.



this game is the BEEST!

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Originally posted by Moleculor

Yeah, and? :p


Just wait till you run into your first force user in single player.


I forgot to say I cheated a bit and turned on god mode and spawned two shadow troopers...



AAAAH! must... play... more...






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