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SP is is backwards


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i have played through the SP too many times now.


but the thing that i think is wierd is that even with full force and a shiny red saber, the earlier levels (Nar Shadaa in particular but also the artus topside level) are still harder than the non-jedi later levels (where your just fighting stormies or swampies)


in fact there heaps, heaps, heaps harder


why wouldnt the empire have craploads of those disruptor rifles that can't be deflected if there going to invade an academy full of jedi?


anyway i think that they got the learning/hardness curve of the game a bit stuffed up which detracts from the the first experience of playing the game.


it still rocks though...



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It makes perfect sense for it to be harder in the begining. A jedi is like a martial artist. He has to earn his powers, you know pay his dues.

His actions become more effortlees as he gains skills and discipline. As well as a lack of fear. The prescence of fear causes you to become tense, tension causes you to make you see things faster and your movements become more effortfull. as you confront enemies you experience less fear. Your combats become easier.

The game is as it should be, in line with what it would be like to be a jedi progressing.

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actually i was talking about progressing through the earlier levels with full force and saber already


if your saying that even with full force and saber the beggining should be harder its kinda going against the whole "work your way up to more challenging levels" thing that computer games have always had traditionally.


would you have thought that new ladder level was as fun if you started off fighting waves of 6 shadowtroopers and slowly worked your way down to waves of just one reborn?



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Ya I think it still should harder in the beginning but not incredibly easy at the end. I like that its different than most games.

I havent replayed the game yet with all the powers. I want to beat it on all levels before i add cheats.

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just try it on Jedi master, its definitly easier in the begining (excepting dealing with the AT-ST's where you leave, which i have come to the conclusion of... that mission is impossible to beat, yes 100% impossible on jedi master)


Nar Shaada was simpe compared to bespin, it only took a bit of push and pull and being careful so as to not be desintregrated.


The first area was a tutorial of how to beat the game, the nar shaada bar was a tutorial of how to use the lightsabre and force togother. but when you get to points where you start off surrouned by 3 heavy repeaters 7 repeaters and 2 alt-firing flackies, it isnt so easy.


not to mention Tavion, i could swear that she is invinvincible, i mean just how many times do i have to get good solid slashs in at her before she destroyes me?


Its easier as you go on because you get accustomed to fighting in your style and making it work. try it on master you will be pleasently suprised

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Well now im not so sure i want to try it lol. it sounds really tough.

Is it really impossible on jedi master. Ive heard people claim they have finished it on JM level without cheats. But i think most people are full of BS when they say stuff like that.

well better get to it.

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i finished it on jedimaster


it was still harder at the beggining than at the end.

the force powers you get make whatever weaponry the storm troopers carry irrelevant, unless they were to carry disruptors which they don't. (rocket launchers you just push back into their face)


it all comes down to enemy positioning and the enemies at the beggining were positioned in a lot harder places.


when you can rip groups of stormtroopers up into the air and watch as they rain back down around you it makes putting large bunches of them in front of you too easy.


and that bit on artus topside with the atst''s and rescuing the prisoners isnt impossible on master its just really hard.


that atst wont be killed by anything other than the mounted guns so you have to just try and blow it up and then turn around and keep the stroopers fire off the prisoners while making sure your not taking to many hits then th 2nd atst is easy.


the third one you run past go up the elevator, get to a mounted gun and blow away too



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