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Beating Tavion: Jedi Master


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I just cant get it done, its seems like its up there with rescuing the prisoners (impossible, so if you could tell me how this is done, id be greatfull too).


I have battled her at least 30 times and have lost each and every one. In a few battles i was able to stirke her twice with a top down attack when she was on the ground, and she still lived.


it comes down to me going in at 50 life 100 armor with 5 bacta containers and a seeker driod. Using all 5 bacta containers, the 1 that is in the level the 25 extra armor AND force healing a few times and still dying.


She is faster than me when i use force speed, i cannot push her of the edge(blocked by game), it is rare for push or pull to take her off he feet, lightning isnt effective enough and i cant grip her. Guns dont work either. So, how do i get it done?)

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I dont know about killing her on JM level, but on Jedi level I found it easy to beat her by using force push when she jumps. You may have already tried this but you didnt mention force push while shes in the air. Otherwise its useless. Other than that ill have to wait till i get there.

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I always push or pull when she is either in the air or attacking me or using some force power. its impossible to push her over the edge, she will float back on. you have to sabre her (not even alt repeater, she will push it back at you at its RoF)

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Ya but if you continuilly force push her in the air , she will land and get weakened a little more each time until its easier to attack. other than that i guess just throw evreything but the kitchen sink at her. I wish i could help.

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She is VERY hard to beat on Jedi Master difficulty, but then again, it IS Jedi Master difficulty, so you should expect SOME resistance, right? :)


I actually have a save set up simply for duelling in which I summon Tavion and Desann one after the other and fight with them, VERY enjoyable saber combats.


In any case, here are some tips.



1) The lightsaber throw trick. This trick works against pretty much every opponent in the game on any diff level. Wait for them to throw their lightsaber at you (wait at just the maximum range for a throw, and usually they will, Tavion definitely will).

Sidestep the saber, and since you are playing on Jedi Master, hit Force Speed. Now move forward and either

- Throw your own lightsaber at her (if you're skilled at saber throwing)

- Rush in and chop her. Just once. Any longer in her vicinity and she'll chop you to mincemeat.

Then back off. A good four or five of these should see her off.

This is a very good trick, as they will throw their saber at you, you sidestep and move forward (meaning you are closer to them than their saber), and then throw or run and slash, causing them to get their saber back (in essence, spoiling their throw).

In fact, it works SO well I think it's a little flaw in the AI. This is how I beat Tavion and Desann on Jedi Master when I'm just duelling against them without using Force Speed.


2) It IS possible to Force Push her on Jedi Master, you just have to be VERY patient about it. I figure only about one in six genuine Push attempts (Ie, attempts that WOULD work on lower diff levels) will actually work against her on Master. The best bet is to wait for her to be almost right in your face, already swinging, and that saber nearly being in your face. Then push her. Either you'll Push her away, or at the least you'll stop her attack.

If you DO manage to push her, it goes without saying that you have to make the most of it :)


3) Despite her taunts, there really is no shame in running, and waiting for your force meter to recover. I know that she is faster than you are, but if you backpedal, facing her, and simply run circles around the hauler, there isn't a whole lot she can do, as you'll block most of whatever she throws at you. Once your meter and health are full, have at her again.


4) QUICKSAVE if you get a very good blow in! Trying to kill her fresh from the start every time is a very trying experience. The quicksave button is there for a reason :)


5) Finally, if you STILL can't beat her, and don't really want to "cheat" in order to get past her, activate realistic lightsaber combat. While this means that she'll chop YOU up much more quickly as well, it also means you'll only have to get two or three good blows in as opposed to about five...


Hope this helps a little. Take heart though, she's the toughest battle in Jedi Master diff. Once you get past her, there's nothing to stop you from finishing it (I still say she's a tougher combat than Desann is.)


As for saving the prisoners, it's impossible to do it on Jedi Master difficulty without cheating. Raven needs to do something about that level, because it sucks on higher diff's. :(



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Saving the prisoners on JM difficulty isn't impossible.


At the start of the level I equip my thermal detenators.

Run into the room with the switch, blow up the two trooper inside, hit the switch and go up the elevators.


Just make sure to watch your back for missiles.


One at the top I immediately run right towards the troopers and try to get as many of them to shoot down at me as possible, all the while lobbing detenators up at them. A single detenator can take out the 3 troopers comming out of the tower as well. Once i'm out of detanators I switch to the bowcaster. Movement and strafing is of course the key here...standing still means getting pummled by blasters. Taking care of the AT-ST is the same as other difficulties.

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Nothing on Jedi Master is impossible. :)


For Tavion... well what can I say, keep battling through. Remember there is no rush, so do not be hasty. Just make sure you defend well and time your attacks for during the openings.


For the prisoners... get onto the lift ASAP and use your normal gun, not the turret, to take out the troopers on the left hand-side of that ledge. The ones on the right attack you as soon as you get involved and thus this helps take pressure off the prisoners. The rest is easy.


I actually found defending Lando's ship harder than Tavion on Jedi Master... that was until I tried using the Wookie gun's spread fire. Thermal detonators, in my opinion, are pretty awful. Even a direct hit may not take an enemy down. :)

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Yep, force speed inside when she sabre-throws and the overhead flip attack in all other instances.


BTW the hardest part of the Lady Luck level is that Lando is so dumb!! It's like "ok, cleared those first guys out, hey where's Lando gone? aww crap"


Force speed and then sabre-toss em, sometimes you get a strike, sometimes a spare and more often a really nasty 7/10 split.

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LOL, after reading that last post i had to chip in... when i saw enemy incoming, i geared up and brought out my big guns. hehe primarily detontaors. well soon as i cleared the area i turned around to see what lando was doin.. and go Doh! just like in the books, runnin off to be a hero. hehe anyway, on JM level against tavion, its pretty much waiting for the right time and openings to launch attacks.. what i do is lead her to the lower grates closer to the edge, then when she jumps into air i use force lightning and throw. After keeping up with that for awhile it seemed to be working and finally i got her by force throwing her and force lightning as she jumped up. when she landed i went on the offensive with my saber and cut her down in the middle of her attack.

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