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My skin so far...any advice?He


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Well, I am currently constructing a skin for my Jedi, Ste-Don Camad. Here is the skin so far. I'm having a bit of difficulty lining the eyes and nose up correctly. Any suggestions? Should I not make cutouts for the eyes and instead use the eyes from the picture itself? The nose is kinda messed up and i'm not too sure how to fix it.



My next project will be an Episode II Obi-Wan.

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damn yer ugly. jk ;) hehe anyway, the skin needs to be blended more, made to look more natural. if you're using photoshop, make use of the burn and dodge tools for shadows and highlights, and then of course the almight smudge tool

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Yes of course i know all that. It's still a work in progress and i haven't gotten around to fully blending everything in yet. Also note that the quality of the .jpg image is not as good as it actually looks. You needn't worry about my photoshop skills, the main problem is alignment with the nose and eyes. Thanks for the input though.

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well the easiest way to get the nose, eyes and mouth of the skin aligned with the model, especially when you're pasting on a picture (i did so with my obi-wan model, i used alec guinness' face as a base) is to paste the face on the skin, make it about 50% transparent, that move it around, scale it and rotate it until everything lines up.


if you've already flattened the image, then just cut and drag the features in the direction they need to go, check the model viewer and see how it stands


as far as the skin, it looks like its headed in a good direction

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Yeah i did the exact same thing you did to align the eyes and nose... but for some reason it still doesn't line up right. I think i'll forget about eye cutouts and as for the nose, i think it needs to be widened. I'll get it sooner or later by trial and error. I'm not too sure what i'll do about the stupid officer hat though...

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I did the same as you, except I didn't make a new skin really, just the head with my face on there. I used the Prisoner model/skin... no hats, beards, anything like that. I tried it on the Luke face, but the proportions were all messed up. You don't really have leeway as far as wider/thinner goes since the model is static, but you knew that. There always seems to be some lighting weirdness going on around the nose...



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Yeah the proportions are a little messed up. My face is rounder than the imperial officer model i used. The reason I had to pick the imperial officer model is that i needed a model where the shirt wasn't tucked in and instead hung out like a jedi's classic outfit. That's the direction i'm going in. So did you cut out eyeholes? or did you just leave your own eyes in there? My main concern is actually what to do about the hat...I suppose i could make it into hair but I don't think it will look quite right. I'll probably just have to redesign the hat to look cooler.

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Ok here's the update:




Known areas for improvement:

1. The eyes, still working to get this right.

2. The hat, a pain in the ass and there seems to be now way around it. Tried texturing it with my hair but it still doesn't look right. Most likely I will just give it some cool coloring.

3. The sash around the waist. It looks fine, the only problem is it doesn't go high enough. Forgot to compensate for the fact that the belt is covering up the top portion. An easy fix.

4. The collar, have to figure out what texture is making that and give it a skin color.

5. The gloves, I'd like to have actual hands there but it's not the end of the world if I have to keep the gloves on.


Any suggestions?

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Ok, ok so here's my idea regarding the stupid imperial hat...since I can't seem to get rid of it, I keep the hat and put the Rebel insignia on the hat. Then I pretend my character is a former Imperial Officer who defected to the Rebellion and became a Jedi and put the Rebel insignia on his hat as a slap in the face to the Empire...what do ya think?

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hehe you COULD do that. but heres my suggestion. take all of your textures and put them on a different model. galak for instance. he has hair, and the same tunic under the belt thing. but he has a collar too (btw there should be a file named collar which controls that on your model) i think theres one other model that has the tunic thing and no collar if you wanted to look for it...i cant think of it off the top of my head. this whole procedure may require some tweaking to the skin itself, but you get rid of the hat issue and dont have to start over.


to get rid of the gloves and have flesh colored hands, just copy the Basic_hands.jpeg from one of the other models (jedi or prisoner works well) and replace the one in your skin with it.


the eyes...dunno know what to tell you. keep shifting them, saving and alt-r'ing in modview (alt-r reskins the current model if you didnt know) rinse and repeat till they look right to you. hope this helped.

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he he Delmar, that's so true, Prox does look like Tom Green...lol. Absath, that's a great idea. I hadn't noticed Galak had that before. He would work pretty well. The collar thing though is an issue. Luke WOULD work well if his whole outfit wasn't black...that makes things VERY difficult. Editing a black skin I have found to be extremely tough because the background is black and turning the brightness all the way up doesn't always work. As for the gloves, yeah that's a simple fix, i just haven't gotten around to it yet. I bet I could fix the collar though a lot easier than the hat... it would also lay the groundwork for my AOTC Obi-Wan. I may have fixed my eyes problem but I won't find out till late tomorrow which is my next chance to work on the thing.

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if you want to use luke's model, just use him. you dont have to worry about finding the black lines in the skin cause you've already made it. all you have to do is replace luke's model.glm with the one you're using now. load it up in mod view, see where things need to be fixed and adjust it.

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I think where the textures begin and end vary from model to model so the alignment would be all messed up, which I would then have to fix by trial and error. Most likely admiral fyyar's skin is very very close to the imperial officer skin i was using. The collar isn't that bad. I guess I will try both of them and see what happens. One question, how come when i loaded the model.glm for the imperial into modview, it automatically showed me the blue team imperial rather than a regular one? I've just been editing the blue team imperial and renaming the images to match that, but it seems kinda weird...

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Luke appears to have a small collar on closer inspection...it's not that bad though. I think i've decided to use Galak however, because his face structure looks closer to mine and most of all, he has the same hair I do...meaning I don't even have to touch that part, which is a very good thing.

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