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How many times have you never died at all?


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Me either, I had to use quick save, and quick load a ton of times. Especially that on where the "hover tram" moves around the side of the curved wall and it gets blasted by the missle troopers.


There are also many areas where there is no way you can survive entering a room unless you know what to expect. So you die the first time, and then retry it with a "better" plan.



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In MP i think it's virtually impossible, unless you cower in a corner somewhere and mind trick everyone that walks in on you, then pray REALLY hard :)


In SP, I'm currently redoing Normal mode just for the heck of it (Getting a bit tired with Jedi Master), and so far have died just once (against a measly shadowtrooper no less :D), and I'm up to Doomgiver Shields.



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There are only 3 ways not do die at all in multiplayer.


1) Train really hard then join a n00b game.

2) God mode.

3) Hide in a corner with jedi mind trick.


All three will give you no satisfaction, as they can be very boring.


In SP, to do it with no deaths, you must have played it loadsa times to be able to remember how to get past certain puzzles. And, when you do remember how do puzzles, you can just mess 'em up anyway.

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I've not died in multiplayer. Granted I was a secondary repeater / lightning whore on Garison (Ammo and health all stacked very close), but it's easily do-able.


40 frags, the nearest to me had 13 and that was after wasting two minutes trying to find the second place guy so I could kill him with a saber for my last frag.


Noobs? Yes, but aren't we all? I'm not saying I'm proud of being able to secondary repeater rape, it comes with using quake rocket launchers for the last couple of years and it certainly isn't "honourable", but it's been done :D

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