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Multi player: A random mess!


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MP was a laugh and great fun.

I was on a 6 person server, a cloud city map don't know which. But the people in it were good, and hung in it for a couple of hours.

I probably came close to a flailing idiot till they taught me otherwise cause I wasn't getting kills. Plus I was the only one doing it.

There are thousands of idiots out there, I'm not going to deny that, change this post too something like

Is there anyone out there that prefers this type of fighting...

... that can server.

There was a post somewhere else that frowned on force abuse, a guy put up an IP for a server that didn't approve of it.

People went there, saw another post that directed a person to it saying it was good. So I suppose it works.

Sorry, read alot of post today so you'll have to look for it.


Sounds like you've got the patience for a long fight, just the bad luck or lack of want to find a good server.

Try staying on one, pick the good players, fight them, you'll get a better battle, they'll get a better battle, and flailing idiots will be told by both of you to stop it or frig off.


Happened to me, zapping people with lightning alot, got an angry response in text. Apologised and stopped it, don't want to get booted, got some good battles, and 2 more hours of fun. Thanks to Orbital and Darth something.


And yes I know some people won't listen, ask the other players who do to play a bit of ... hunting....

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>>Run around the lightsabre flailer and throw your saber at them? That is the stupidest one I've heard yet. How can I possible run around someone when theyre running in the same or opposite direction as me! <<


Sorry you're having problems with MP, but what the guy said is true. It is remarkably easy to take out flailers with a bit of practice, especially if they use strong stance. It is all about timing, knowing when to strike and when not to. Strong stance flailers are the most predictable of all, as soon as they raise their saber to take a swing, you run in and hit them with a quick medium slash - after a bit of practice you can get it to work every time, their stance is too slow to stop you. Medium stance flailers are a bit more difficult as they're less predictable and not so slow, but the same logic applies: Look for an opening and exploit it. Soon you will find that you can kill flailers with little or no problems.


One other incredibly easy tactic is that when they swing, you throw your saber at them. While swinging they can NOT block your throw, so if they're always swinging around non stop then they are as good as dead - just a few throws and it's game over for them. Flailers are not blocking, ever, remember that.


At the end of day, the only ones in a random mess are the flailers. It's up to you whether you use the saber skillfully or not, and the game most definitely provides the means to do so - but like in anything that requires skill, getting good requires dedication and practice. When you calmly strole through a bunch of flailers, cutting them all down, you will find that multiplayer JK2 is very much about skill (the lightsaber combat anyway).


Good luck,



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You all are beating up on the poster of this thread on how he has no skills and he does not know what he is talking about and MP is fine but the point of the matter is there is stuff that is abused. I may not have alot of posts but I read the posts alot and half of you in here flaming this guy for not playing MP properly are the same ones who post about how unfair guns are and how unfair drain is and grip whores and the list goes on but this guys posts a well constructed post and you flame him. Jaif...you with that "adapt statement". You gave good advice but at the same time you acted like an a$$ with that statement. just give the man some comments there was not a need to phrase it like that. I'm sorry but MP favors trigger fingers and bunny hopping and the person who can make the most awesome config file. I have played on some gun/saber servers and just killed indiscrimantely with alt fire on a weapon. You can say push/pull but I can avoid that if I bunny hop and strafe a little. Well enough..I'm going to sit back and watch you guys flame me now for posting something not in your opinion.

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Originally posted by Iodius

Oh please!


I've played the original JK, SP and MP, the expansions and got JO the day it came out. I'm a very good player, thankyouverymuch. I've finished the game on Jedi Master!


So don't give me that "your not very good" rubbish. It's an overused excuse when you have no excuse.


Use force push when I'm being choked? Duh! I've tried that. It would work if I wasn't hanging over an abyss when I pushed him away!


JK and JKO are totally different. I finished the game on Jedi Master the day I got it, dived on a server thinking myself the dog's and got beaten on viciously. MP and SP are different, so totally different they shouldn't even be packaged together. You probably aren't very good. I've been playing MP since I've completed the SP, some time ago now, and can happily say that even in FFA people gripping me off edges is quite rare, as force push does work and if you're off the edge pull them towards you, you both get a frag.. Being lightening, push them to their feet drill them with your repeater.. If you obsess over the lightsaber you will get murdered over and over.. Lightsaber freaks are my favourite victims.


Additionally those complaining about grip/push/pull/guns really need to figure out that JK2 isn't just about sabers.. I play quite a lot of CTF and CTY cause I love team games, and I have very twitchy reflexes, on the sound of grip I push the person doing it. Sure sometimes it's too late, but that's life. Flailers are easy, because I use the weapons in a balanced manner. The saber has its use, as do all the weapons. Correct use of force powers is also required. Flailers have no force defense against push or pull, push them to the floor and hack them with your saber as they get up, or blow them up with a rocket launcher it is up to you. You can tell what type of server it is, simply look at the server info prior to joining it will tell you what flags are set on it.


Just because MP isn't exactly as you wanted it plenty of others enjoy it immensly, as I do, it requires a lot of skill and very good reflexes, SP tactics don't work because the physics are different and you are playing humans not pretty dumb AI.


Just cause you are good at SP or the best JK player on the planet doesn't prepare you for JKO MP at all.



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Ok, for the grippers and lightning users like everyone else has said you can easily counter it by pushing them away, or even pulling them in the pit with you (they REALLY hate that and might even lighten up on the grip usage ;) ). If your light right when your gripped just have a hotkey right next to a movement key for asborb and your instantly back on the ground and not in the pit. Sure they still migth be able to fling you off every now and then but the majority of the time if you react soon enough you will be ok.


About the 'monkey swinging a saber' combat style. It is easily defeated. One thing that works for me time after time after time is crouch down and have light stance on. They will run around you when they get close enough hit foward and primary attack while still crouched and do a quick upward slash that does a good amount of damage. Or you can even run up to them or let them come to you and try to kick them down, once you do just do an overhead swipe and they are dead. Just give it a little time and practice and you'll learn how to overcome.


Also one thing that you have not mentioned is your connection speed, if you are on 56k then your point about not being able to react in time to knock the grip off is valid. The difference between 50ms and 350ms doesn't really seem like much but it makes a world of difference.

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Withe every MP game there comes whiners who just cant stand the facts that

1 Not everyone plays the way you do

2 sometimes their way works better


You get a game.... You are handed tools. Guns, Force, Sabers..... How you use them is UP TO THE PLAYER!!! and Thats IT! If I snipe from across the map... Too bad... Cant counter, then YOU LOOSE

If I Grip you off a ledge and you can't counter.... Too bad... YOU LOOSE


If I heavy saber at just the right time and schop your head of... too bad... YOU LOOSE


Now quit whining about "gun abuse" or "force abuse" or "bacta abuse" whatever... and Learn how to win

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