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K, there is a lot of whining about rules, from both sides, heres what i think


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All this complaining about the rules. Let me cut through all of the BS. People who want rules are really saying , I want to win and not you. If your beating me you must be lame because I am god at this game, even though your owning me.

You guys complaining are such control freak, whining, sore loser babies.

Do you actually think this game was designed for just you, so you can only win. If you cant beat somebody within the confines of what the game has to offer(without cheats) you are the lame won who needs to learn to get better. There is no attack that cant be defended against. A jedi life is not suuposed to be easy, think about it.

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sean, i think you understood nothing of it. did ANYONE say he wants to win? most of them even say 'screw my rank, i want to have fun'. why do you think there's a huge gap on some servers between players? most of the people dueling DONT CARE about winning, because it's absolutely STUPID to waste all the time with fighting 5-6 people if the limit is set to 20.


if you really believe that it's just about winning for everbody else, maybe its time to grow up or at least begin to wonder if every person on earth has the same 'ambition' like you do. just because YOU play to win and show how much you 'own' them doesnt mean the others do that too. there's more in life than just showing off how great you are. enjoying the game for example instead of cursing if you're only second.


sorry, but what i just hate is those 'i didnt understand a word but ill just flame someone'-posts

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I personally have escaped the mess that is ffa crazyiness, i prefer a saber duel, like whats in ffa jump and throw are active, but everything else is off, thats why i prefer ffa, i just challenge people. I really don't care anout my score either. What i did was find a server that thought a like, bound the rules to a couple keys, and we would duel people why every1 else would watch and whatnot, if a brawl was felt like, a big open spot of the map was used, then back to duelin. Any body disagreeded, every1 would just kill them, made sure they understood the rules, and they were usually like cool. Anybody just wanted a FFA slug fest either they were kicked or they would leave because they were tired of every1 on the server just smacking them around for being a lamer. We even had a designated spot on each map that was for duels only. Problem ended up being every1 wanted to play on it for this great way of playing (we even took our time and taught any1 who asked, we're so nice) . Ended up being no1 could get on, so we passworded the server, though the password is even enough to get if a person bothered. I feel these rules help make for some great action and awesome movie like spectating. So heh next time your at a server try to make it orderly its a hel'luva fun

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Hey, Grip and Lightning are my best friend :)


Someone uses Grip or Lightning on me, I instantly turn on Absorb and they replenish my force power for me. Kinda like walking batteries :-p


Also when I walk around with saber off it means I am looking for a duel... and I will duel anyone no matter what my health is, whether it is at 100 or 1, doesn't matter.

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When I set my server to FFA, I -don't- want a all out kill or be killed game. FFA is the ONLY option available to those who want to play without an enforced (by the game itself) set of rules.


The only games in which you can duel are FFA and Holocron.


In team based ones, it's disabled, in Jedi Master, only one person has a lightsaber, so no dueling there, and Duel itself doesn't count, because you can't limit things to jump, throw, and the two saber skills.


And that's what I'm for. A -saber- duel. A duel with swords. Nothin' else. I bought this game for the Star Wars universe, not for guns and running around shooting people. Sure, they're ok at times, but for the most part I want to go toe to toe with someone, and see who comes out on top.


Usually I do. I'm still looking for someone I can't figure out how to beat.


Now, I've -never- seen a Holocron server running. Never.


And Holocron is still called (in the game) Holocron FFA. So they're both FFA. So the only places we can Duel is in FFA maps.


However, No Saber = Peace is a bit broad.


You've got people who'll see they're losing and start running, turning their sabers off. Of course you don't let them get away. you throw your saber into their back and move onto the next guy.


I've also tried No Saber and Not Moving = Peace, but that's no good because then you 'can't' attack the guys standing there waiting for the next large shield booster to appear. Meanwhile you're standing there with no shields at all. So that rule is no good.


So basically, it all comes down to "If it doesn't look like he's participating in what's going on, don't attack him." It means he's typing, or grabbing munchies, or something. If he's in the way of a fight, go ahead and let him die though.


And on a side note, the more I play, the more I notice that the force powers are fine, except for drain and heal. Everything else is pretty balanced. Grip can be countered by any number of things (I've countered it myself with Absorb... you just have to bind it close to your fingers, or practice hitting that F10 key fast). Grip WILL hold you in place even if you're running Absorb, but it won't hurt you. Absorb won't protect you completely except at level three. That's why you use Push.


Push counters Lightning, Grip, and Drain.


For Force Rage... you just get OUT of the WAY. He's invulnerable. You can't hurt him. Wait for him to lose his rage, then hit him once and he's dead.


As for Heal, there is no counter except a nice headshot with a saber (yes, you can do that) or a lucky few strikes.


For Red stance, the counter is stand there, wait... then, when he swings, throw at him. If he jumps and swings, either back up, or run forward and spin around and throw.


For everything else, there's Mastercard. (Random, I know.)

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No its not just about winning, but winning is the inevitable result of being skilled. if a guy is giving you problems due to a cretain tactic then he obviuosly is more skilled than you.

The "owned" comment i made was just to make a pint, but its not me. when i play i dont think about winning. But i know that if i have won , and am doing well its because im skilled.

I just dont think others should try and control how others play the game.

Or set up your own server. Or find a game that suits your tastes. just dont go into a game and start complaing that you dont like the rules or that people should play the way you want them to .

my basic rules are.

dont cheat

dont be abusive or use profanity(there may be children playing)

dont complain or whine

dont be a sore loser or winner

use all the means available to you to accomplish your personal goal in the game.

if you dont like the game or the people leave.

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k, guess i missed part of the irony then.

but i just think its a fact that ending up first in this game is no indication of your skill. i won my first three games of jedi master not because i was good, but because i stayed alive long enough for the newbies to score kills for me by killing other players.


more often than not the ones on first place are the guys who only run around with fl or hr shooting into the crowds. if this is skill, well, i congratulate whoever for being more skillfull than i ever want to be *g*.


if i want to know who has skill and who doesnt i watch him for a while. the rank at the end of a game usually means absolutely nothing.

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Im a dark user and i mainly use lightning, grip and a little drain(Drain at a low level since i think lvl 3 is a bit too good).


If i grip someone and throw the of a ledge its not me being lame its THEM needing too learn to counter it, if they cant then too bad for them they are going of the edge. Dont get me wrong i enyoy a good duel as much as anyone and frequently play on no force servers.

It just bothers me everyone keeps yelling grip monkey, lightning whore and stuff like that i mean are the dark side not allowed too use their force powers or what (3 out of 4 of them are frequently called lame)!?


I mean light side is equally good if not even better sometimes, but i dont hear anyone yelling absorb/heal whore or anything like that (even though i do myself think heal is a little to good but just a little).


Agreed that saber off is peace exceot for instances when people try too use that for their advantage.

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What gets me is people who ***** and moan about using force drain....I get called 'lame' or a n00b - and u can hear them using force heal...I mean COME ON! one law for the rich is it?



There are people better than me, and there are people worse than me - but I enjoy playing still. If you want to chat midgame with how u want to play then I will gladly try to play that way...ie. not using the force in a force enabled duel server....but if I hear you power up a force heal then you are open game...



Force powers are perfectly balanced....you have the same keys on your keyboard as me, and the same force powers if you choose them dont you? Learn to use the force...the force is MY ally, and a powerful ally it is!



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I think that the point people seem to be making about the seeming lack of balance in the force powers is this:


If most people use one particular combo (drain/lighting is the target in this discussion apperently) there is a reason for that, They get alot of kills with it. If you feel like you have to use a particular set of powers to be competitive, then that is a symptom of a balance issue and needs to be addressed.


How many servers do you see the majority of the players using light side powers? It has gotten to the point I am SUPRISED when I have an encounter with another light sider.


That is the point alot of people are making. It is not the fact that they got killed, so much as it is the fact that it was the 3rd different person 3 times in a row that killed them with the aforementioned drain-grip/lighting combo.


For those of you who assert that drain/lighting is balanced, try using absorb to counter it. IF (a BIG if) you are lucky enough to get your absorb on before "the big drain" then all the dark jedi has to do is play a waiting game (maybe you can kill them while they wait out your absorb). Otherwise, if you didnt get absorb up in time, in .8 seconds (.7 if you take lag into accout) you are left with NO FORCE POWERS TO COUNTER ANYHTING WITH. No push, no pull, no absorb, no speed, no jump, nothing. Enter the grip/lighting.


Now, is this saying I mind getting killed by the dark powers? Well sure, as much as I like getting killed by a light sided power. However, I only site it as a GAMEPLAY BALANCE ISSUE when it seems to be the only competitve option.


If you don't want to be competitive, that is fine. But remember this, if the majority of the players on any given public server are using the dark side, there is a definite balance issue.


[edit] man i really need to preview this stuff before i post it

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Jedi Knight is a new game so you shouldnt even be aloud to set such rules yet. Ive noticed people complaining about moves that can easily be countered. So they are using grip? Use absorb, same if they use lightening. I think you'll find that once you have quite a bit of experience you can counter pretty much everything so it shouldnt be a problem.

Currently I'm having trouble countering two things: drain, and when they push/pull you down and attack with saber. Both of these can be blocked with absorb, but how can you see them coming? I pull people down and attack with saber often and I know first hand its not easy to counter. I have done it a few times but it was mostly luck so I still need some practice on that. As for drain, I was considering making a thread based on the power of it. However I decided I should stick it out and maybe I'll figure out a way to not let it get the best of me. As of this moment I can't stand that drain is so effecient and has such a large range. That damned thing takes away all my force power, heals my enemy to full, from 30 feet away, all in a matter of 3 seconds. To me this isn't fair. Although I'll stick it out and try to be faster with absorb or maybe learn how to hit them when they use it.

Anyway, my point is that we shouldn't set "rules" or anything just yet because everything seems fair to me if you know what you're doing. If people keep pushing you off catwalks, then learn to avoid it. If people keep gripping you, learn to counter attack them when they do.

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