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The coolest thing...


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Open the console and type HelpUsObi 1 to activate cheats, then type setForceAll 5 .


This gives you two NPC saber styles that have been mentioned on here before, but...if you use mind trick on any enemy foe, you can take control of them. This even works on Desann and Tavion, meaning that you can lead both of them to their death without even touching them with your lightsaber. To return back to Kyle, they either have to die, or you can just press F4 again.


This is really cool, lots of fun to be had here :)

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It actually works. Now I was fiddling about with the new sabre stances that you get with the cheat and I'm sure I did the Tavion somersault fan sabre thing, I know it definately wasn't a move you can't get normally but as it's in the view of behind Kyle Katarn (I'm not really sure) does anybody else know the answer to this if I'm being a bit dim?! Has anyone tried Tavions and Desanns moves as Tavion and Desann yet??




UPDATE: Very sure it's tavions move, as I played against her and used the stance she uses (one of the two "other" stances") and performed a flip over her and sabred her (totally different to how it usually filps). Probably being dim though as you people have probably found this out already.

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