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Not enough enemy races in SP


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I love this game, it's the best thing I've played since Unreal Tournament!! And while I love the single player game and am playing through it a second time and still loving it, I feel that there is not enough variety in the bad guys on Nar Shaddaa and Bespin, the guys we have are; Rodian, Gran, Weequay and the odd Trandoshan and ONE Chiss Barman!


Where are the Bothans, Twi'Leks, Gammorreans, Ithorians etc.. When I got to Nar Shaddaa I was expecting larger range of aliens, and I also wasn't expecting them ALL to turn on me when the barman closed the shutter!! Where are the innocent bystanders who would run for cover when laser blasts start flying everywhere?


A SP campaign with more models and more variety in an update would be great!! While I am a lightsider, imagine the fun a dark jedi can have in seeing a cowering bystander hiding in a corner, then force gripping him and slamming him into a wall!! Something for the mod community maybe?


That is probably my only gripe with the game, that and enemies knowing I'm there even though the doors haven't opened!! Other than that, great game! Love the MP game!!

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  • 4 weeks later...

I liked it a lot too...Played it twice.

I agree with you though. There should be more variety in the enemies that are encountered.

Also; Is it just me, or does anyone else out there feel that the arch villains,"Dessann (dino head)" and "Tavion (stripper)" seem very out of place for a Star Wars game?... I found them to be ridiculous; especially when compared to the likes of Jerec or Sariss from JK1. Why not make Dessann a species familiar to the SW galaxy(or just human)? What the hell was he? And Tavion, why would she be dressed like that(she should be dancing in a cage at some bar)? Dumb...

For such an ambitious game, the creators were "out to lunch" when it came to creating suitable villains for the Star Wars galaxy. It's as if they had never seen a SW movie.

"Next time" guys, do a little more research. There's a huge fanbase out there filling your pockets. Give us what we want.

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Agree with the above. We definitely need Twi-Leks and so on. They don't even need new AI for more bad guys, just some different skins with the same weapons and tactics. (although differing AI would be nice)


Bespin levels needed some civilian NPC's in a major way.


Agree also on Tavion and Desann. Tavion wasn't a terrible apprentice-style baddie, although the acting was a bit over the top. Desann, however, should have resembled something more like a Sith Lord- perhaps a Chiss. The bartender could have been the lizard head and the accent would have been better on him.


I did, however, like Kyle's remark about Desann looking like a Blue Monkey lizard or whatever...

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I'm quite happy with current patch of non-imperial enemies(Rodian, Gran, Weequay and Trandoshan), but Raven could have "easily" added there Niktos and Gamorreans; Ithorians were already used in great effect in both JK & MotS and being peace-loving race as they were supposed to be, they could probably pass for as civilians in Nar Shaddaa Street level with Twi'leks who never were actual warriors(one or two Twi'lek dancers inside the bar would also be a nice touch).


First of all, Nikto is one of those cool looking warrior species that with Weequay gave Luke some challenge in RotJ, but wasn't even introduced in previous games. One thing that also adds more variety, is their skin color as there are red, green, blue- gray, white-gray and yellow to orange -skinned representatives with "slight" facial modifications such as horns, neck breather tubes, fins and so on. Gamorreans, on the other hand, were almost overused in previous games, but I bet Reelo could probably have some use for them as guards in his hideout.

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Sorry, my mistake. I first remembered that Ithorians were already in JK, but turns out they were only in MotS. Still, even its manual says most of them are peace-loving, even though "some have turned to bounty hunting as an alternate source of income".

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