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Dual Saber


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I am mesmerized by that image...................


To play with dual sabers find a server with cheats enabled, or if you want to try it out yourself make a server and type '/devmap whatevermap' in console. Once you're in game, type '/thedestroyer' in console.

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ok here is how 2 do it 4 ne1 esle who cant get it 2 work rite....

#1 Launch JK II MP, bring up the console [shift+`] and load any map use 'devmap [mapname]'

for exampe 'devmap ffa_bespin'

#2 Holster ur sabre by pressing 1

#3 bring up the concole and type '/thedestroyer'

#4 if that dosent work try with a \ instead of / or try in caps

fool around wif it till it works

then if u really want open jompconfig.cfg and bind a key to the destroyer....thats fun!!!


now all we need is sum1 2 do sum neat anamations 4 the destoyer THEN i will b happy



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I don't think there is a way to get bots to do console commands, so probably not. You'd have to get them to turn the sabers off too, I don't really know anything about bot-programming, but you'd need those two things, bots using console commands, and bots turning off sabers.


Sorry I couldn't help,


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