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about these cheap tactics arguments -PLEASE READ


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Ok i was supposed to have JKII yesterday but somehting happenmed with delivery anyways...well... I was qa hardcore JK and MOTSer and i have somethign to say about these arguments.... personally, i care less about how people play because my personal belief is ANYTHING can be overcome by skill.. if someone beats you in a "cheasy" way its cause you dont have the skill to compete with it.... I myelf prevowed from Jk never to use a gun In JKII and devleope my saber skills as much as possible to be a "true jedi" but i am neutral on these whole cheasy tactics argument, if i am killed by a "cheap" gripper its my fault


and people who say Stroing stance is cheap, just are annoyed caue they die, Strong stance will have uses for me, if i am facing someone with a gun and i cant get close to em i will just give em a long sweeping chop as close as i can get to em...... yes the people who "cheesily" kill u will strong stance are using tactics, they keep their distance from their enemies..... grip cn easil;y be overcome with skill, hence thats why pull and push netralize it..... eveny power has an opposing power that can neutralize it, so if u refuse to fight back its your own fault.... you cant call them cheap...... they dont suck....the one who wins used the most skill unless they are litterally cheating with somekinda mod....... there is no way to cheat..... it may seem cheap to you but its all tactics...... pushing of ledges is a tactic, using grip is a tactic....staying away from your charging apponent with strong stance is a tatcic... defeatign jedis with a disruptor is a tactic.......


I will go wait at my front door for JKII now.... :p

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Yes, (I hate to have an ego) but since I almost always dominate in guns I rarely use them. However, some guy uses the "Tactic" of running away, pulling a flechete, and then shooting me. Then I use the "Tactic" of respawning, grabbing every gun in the level, and then killing him repeatedly so the score looks like 20 - 8. He dosn't use the "Tacitc" that I discribed above anymore =).

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Grip+Drain+Heavy gets annoying when one person is sitting on top of the server and no one has any kills whatsoever and all he does is drain, grip, and then chop. Absorb is a nice counter, but the problem is it takes force away and eventually runs out. On the other hand, all the sithy has to do is just avoid your attempts to kill him which is quite easy, and just drain,grip, chop you when your absorb dies.


I'm a comptetent Light player. Mind Trick+Absorb is, and should be every light's main powers. If I absorb, and use mind trick at the start of the match, all he has to do is either pop Sight, or just jump around like a madman. Even if I hit him, there are no one shot kills since you start with 25 shields... So, when I attack, mind trick goes away, I blew the force needed to use it, and if I want to use it again, I gotta pay another hefty cost of force that is being drained by absorb... If I miss again, chances are my absorb is already down and he'll just drain/grip/chop.


Sorry but I dont see the skill in a waiting game. I also should not have to adjust my playing style and force table just to compete with every other drain/grip/heavy out there.

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