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Once again, sweet, but once again, stuck


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Man, i get stuck more than glue to paper. OK, i got the saber (Big ups to GrandMoffSmokin) but how do i get outta the room? I imagine i have to take my saber and cut the big things down into the holes, but they won't cut. Confused=Me. Help=Please

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This one got me too. In fact it down right pissed me off. I tried cutting them all with throwing the sabre and it didnt work or even give indication that i had accomplished anything the first time. So, I spent an hour or so combing the rest of the pyramid looking for something else. Finally I came back to that room and just started jumping and throwing my sabre around everywhere i could and then one fell.




I think this particular bit was totally pointless and unduely annoying. Just my thought. Almost as bad as the mining colony where again you had to hit the heat/reactor thing several times with no indication that anything at all was happenign the first few times. Did anyone else take a shot or two then walk away looking for somethign else? And at that point i hadnt found the help forum. Hours wasted when all I really wanted to do was get my damn light sabre and roll. But since i got it and started fighting these jedi's with incredible AI it is all forgiven. I have never been as excited in a game as when . . .well nevermind, I aint gonna spoil anything for others. But this game rules serious!


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Guest Forceflow

I don't think you have to hit them several times, I just think it's a very small spot were you have to hit them. Often I take a couple of tries to get the first one down, then I see where the spot is and the second one goes down with one throw.

I think you have to hit the rope REAL close to the stone.

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If this were a bit more important i might go back to that spot and check it out. In the end, it doesnt really matter, which is exactly my point. Why make something so consequential unnecessarily difficult? Should it really matter where you hit the rope? Would that make a difference if we really were in a land farr far away a long long time ago??? Though no one will know for sure, I think not.

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Well I guess it's back to blasters and protable sentry guns for this regular old non-jedi joe. What the hell, who needs the force anyway? I mean it totally failed me in not telling me where to hit the ropes, so screw it. Also, it may just be because i am a big wuss and started the game on easy difficulty, but it is way easy to kill the jedi oponents with blasters. I only did it once and went back to light sabre because it is ten times more fun. I save every time i face them and fight each battle at least 5 times. Too much fun!!! Cant wait to move on to multiplayer. A bit reluctant I guess because i assume there are already people who have learned to exploit the game like they did in Quake and CS and TFC. Hope it is more fair and fun! And for anyone that has actually read any one of my posts, no I cannot type for ****. All through college i had autocorrect on and I didnt realise that I was hitting the keys in teh wrong order or that I was sometuimes hitting the wrong keys, it just fixed it all for me. And I stare at the keyboard when i type, so screw it. Translate or ignore me. . .I care not.



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I was being sarcastic. There's no way to tell where you have to hit the ropes. But it was such an obvious solution to the problem that I just tried a couple of times. Why is it obvious you ask? When you enter the room, you see the the rocks hanging by the first door go up and down with the motion of the door, so those rocks definately were connected to the doors somehow. And since they were hanging by mere threads, what else to do but to cut the ropes? Elementary, my dear Watson ;)

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