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3ds Max v4.2 md3 importer


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Hey, FWB, what's the plugin you're using to export? And for which release, 3 or 4? All I've seen so far is the tempest pack for GMAX...kinda pisses me off that there's a whole free import/export pack for the lobotomized Max, but I can't find ANY for the real thing :)

On a side note, anyone know of a plugin that will let me export Q3 MAPS from Max4? Since I'm way more familiar with it, I'd LOVE to use Max to build levels rather than QRadiant.

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Pop N' Fresh is the exporter. It took a damn long time to find it but try: http://www.maxplugins.de/max4.php?page=8&range=Import%20/%20Export


I'm using v4.2, but I think a v3.x is avaliable too. Don't bother with their search engine though. It is ****ty.


Should I bother downloading GMax just for the plugin? What is the program like compared to 3ds?


In regards to maps, are you refering to a BSP exporter?

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Sorry, I'm a damn idiot, didn't notice you said 4.2 in the topic. I use 4 professionally anyways, so that's cool :) Gonna go check it out now, thanx! Haven't got around to actually trying GMax yet, just DL'd it from Discreet tho'. Pretty small file, looks like what they did was strip out all the animation tools, probably the Track View, all the Video Post stuff, the more advanced rendering tools, most of the modifiers, etc., the viewport looks pretty similar though. If we can get tools for Max, I'd say absolutely stick with it. If you're going to try Gmax, be sure to get the Tempest package at the same site, it handles all the Q3 type import/export, but is ONLY available for GMax.

Map editing....I dunno :) My experience level editing is restricted to JED, and WDFUSE before that....don't have a clue how Q3 level editing works. I just know I'd rather use tools I already have a command over to make levels.

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I downloaded GMax, since you said to was a small size. I've yet to load it up. Maybe the least I can do is use it to import/export, although some of some of 3ds exclusive features might cause problems, I'll have to see.


I've got little to no Quake 3 experience either, but I have some knowledge of the system, having mapped for the Lithtech engine, so I might take a gander at the SDK when it comes out. Still, it'd be nicer to work with 3ds. I can still remember using the first Doom editors when they came out. Then there was Duke Nukem 3D. Those were the days. :)


Let me know if you find anything else for 3ds, I'd really appreciate it. I'm hoping to incorperate my own texures, particularly sand based ones, so I can make some maps on the desert planet... forgotten its name.

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Thanx, but bit of confusion there. What we're looking for is actually stuff for 3D Studio Max, not converters for the 3ds format. Discreet has started refering to the package as 3DS for short now, which is indeed a little confusing. Max has built in import/export function for that already. I guess the goal here is to find stuff that will let those who own Max to use it as a md3 and bsp editor.


Oh....hmmmm...just checked out the site...my appologies. I thought Milkshape was just a freeware 3ds modeller. Hmmm....looks like it might be interesting, since it says it can import/export md3s directly. OOOOOH!! And it can go to Alias OBJ!!!! I'd still do all the construction in max though. Thanx, this might prove very useful!

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Hey, Skellington, If you ever find the converter for the Q3 Maps please E-mail me. I have 3ds max R3 tho i should be getting R4 here soon. My E-mail is Vulorum@yahoo.com


I have about 4 maps stocked and ready to be exported to JO. And im working on a 5th here now. If you ever wanna do a joint construction thing on a map let me know cuz im running out of ideas. As for the units. Should it be 1 unit = 1 feet or 1 inch. I have mine in inches right now so that its not so small but i was just wondering if it even matters, im a medium MAX user but ver expert at the textures and stuff. I could zip up a few screenshots of my levels for u.

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Originally posted by Skellington

Oh....hmmmm...just checked out the site...my appologies. I thought Milkshape was just a freeware 3ds modeller. Hmmm....looks like it might be interesting, since it says it can import/export md3s directly. OOOOOH!! And it can go to Alias OBJ!!!! I'd still do all the construction in max though. Thanx, this might prove very useful!


I had a look at it too, but I was slightly confused. Having downloaded the thing I'm pretty sure I found myself stuck with the ms3d format, NOT m3d as I miss read.


If you ever wanna do a joint construction thing on a map let me know cuz im running out of ideas.


Pardon me for butting into a message written for someone else, but I was thinking about putting some sort of team idea together. Nothing dead serious or rigid like the Wird Lamp Studios seem to be, just some people exchanging ideas and working together. I'd be very interested in combining any ideas. It terms of experience, well I'm no gamer design I tend to be a jack of a number of trades (maps, textures, simple models and sound - which is probably my best "ability") master of none. :)


At the moment I'm working on desert textures, but apart from maps I was also thinging of designing "props" so to speak for other mappers, e.g. furniture, lighting systems, ships, such as the Falcon (I'd love to do a version with a working inside), to use in their work. Obviously some of the more complicated stuff is going to require some time.

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umm ok do they take this post off if u put ur e-mail on it. cuz i dont see mine on here and i posted yesterday. Oh well I was just saying that i do use MAX R3 and its awesome and stuff. Uhhh...what else did i say, I had like 3 paragraphs wrote out, Oh yeah, skellington, if u ever find a link to download that conversion/import/export program please post it somewhere where i can see it like here or on a new thread, cuz i have 4 levels ready to go on MAX. and im working on a fifth. I want ur guys's feedback on them, i will post a site where u can look at the screenshots for two of them cuz the other two are currupt so i guess i only have two levels waiting for launch. ;):(


I have a few questions tho:

1. What unit thing do you use or does it matter (like the '1 unit = 1 foot' thingy)


2. If you have any levels u did in MAX i'd like to see them to compare cuz i am a medium MAx user.


Thanx lots!

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HEY FWB, That is a good idea with the team thing. Im pretty good with metalic textures and making just the plain maps. as for props you could be my opposite cuz i suck at them. The only prop i have ever made look good is a CRATE. lol simple box with very nice bespin textures. and im also good with computer consoles. but thats the extent of my propping abilities. lol.


Anytime you want to get to gether just tell me, my e-mail is up^ there and is probably the better way to contact me.

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Originally posted by Vulorum

I have a few questions tho:

1. What unit thing do you use or does it matter (like the '1 unit = 1 foot' thingy)


That's where the importer comes in so I can get a look at the official maps and get an idea on it (I've installed GMax but I can't get the Tempest files to work). However, in the end it isn't a major problem. You can always resize... well depending on what your modelling.


HEY FWB, That is a good idea with the team thing. Im pretty good with metalic textures and making just the plain maps. as for props you could be my opposite cuz i suck at them. The only prop i have ever made look good is a CRATE. lol simple box with very nice bespin textures. and im also good with computer consoles. but thats the extent of my propping abilities. lol.


Anytime you want to get to gether just tell me, my e-mail is up^ there and is probably the better way to contact me.


Ok, sounds good. My e-mail is discomachinegun@hotmail.com .

I'm thinking of starting on Boba Fett's ship, but I'm having problems finding design layouts. There's only so much I can get from the movie pictures. I'd also like to have a working inside too, but the outershell would be a good start.

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I'll see what I can do. Im Pretty good with making the basics I'll do that this weekend then I'll zip it and send it to you. I wont put in to many vertices so that it will be easier for you to edit it later. ill also zip my level im very proud of and send it to you, see what you think needs done to it while we are waitng for the conversion programs. ;)

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Hey, FWB, did you try starting Gmax with the Tempest icon? I tried a few times just with Gmax before I realized you have to use the Tempest is actually more like wrapper for Gmax than a plugin.

Well, I don't have any levels in Max...I only use it for work, and haven't tried building levels with it yet, so I can't tell ya what scale to use, sorry.

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Sorry this isn't a link, but Does anyone know when the SDK for JO will come out, becaues this Quake3source stuff really doesn't help. Also, I try to run the game.bat that comes with the quake 3 source and i get some lcc error, never compiles, anyone know why?


Thanks (im totally new to quake 3 , but im craming it all down in my small little head).



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Originally posted by Vulorum

I'll see what I can do. Im Pretty good with making the basics I'll do that this weekend then I'll zip it and send it to you. I wont put in to many vertices so that it will be easier for you to edit it later. ill also zip my level im very proud of and send it to you, see what you think needs done to it while we are waitng for the conversion programs. ;)


That would be very neat indeed. I can then work on some of the details. :) I'm starting to build a rough reference of Fett's ship but I do need some more detailed pictures/info.


If there's anything you're thinking of doing, let me know.


Originally posted by Skellington

Hey, FWB, did you try starting Gmax with the Tempest icon? I tried a few times just with Gmax before I realized you have to use the Tempest is actually more like wrapper for Gmax than a plugin.


Yeah, I just realised that. Thanks. It looks pretty simple, actually, so I'm interested as to what I'll be able to do.


Originally posted by Jedipunks

Sorry this isn't a link, but Does anyone know when the SDK for JO will come out, becaues this Quake3source stuff really doesn't help. Also, I try to run the game.bat that comes with the quake 3 source and i get some lcc error, never compiles, anyone know why?


Thanks (im totally new to quake 3 , but im craming it all down in my small little head).




There is nothing that you can do to compile. For now, if you want to get ahead, just work out the current designs and then port them over to the official editor to compile. That's what we're discussing.

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Well, after I get enough time this weekend to show you my level. I'll tell you my idea for the next one. But I would like to try and finish that Fett Ship thing before we start on the my next level idea.


I'll be on almost constantly this weekend. But on weekdays im too busy to do much of anything.

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That's fine. I pop by the forum daily but I'm not online all the time. At the moment I have more free time for this than usual because I'm uni student in the middle of a two month revision leave so I'm always near a computer at the moment. Yes, I know, I should be studying, but there's only so much reading I can do in one go. At least this way I keep away from the pub. :)


I'm on MSN at the hotmail address I gave you, fi you want to add me.

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I will e-mail you today maybe. And I will send you the screenshots of my level (the one im proud of) and then We can get started on that Fett Ship. I will need some very NEW textures for my next level. I will need you to make me a 'prop' ship for my level it will be slightly longer than the Fett ship. Uhh, I'll explain later.

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Originally posted by Vulorum

aight, FWB, Ur e-mail aint workin. That e-mail address must be wrong bcuz i have tried to e-mail you for the past 3 days. And it says that the was a failure to deliver.


Well it is the right address, but it just dawned on me that it might be because hotmail can't hold mail bigger than 2megs. Do you have any webspace that you could upload it to or perhaps just sign up with any old one. If you then e-mail me the usernam and password for it then I can download (and upload) to it. Just to make sure again, my e-mail is discomachinegun@hotmail.com .


Whatever you need, I'm at your service. :)

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