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Saber Fighting


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Anyone know how to wield a saber?


Everyone I fight in the game ... I truly believe that I beat them by pure luck.


Just swing and hope .... thus far I have defeated Desann's Sidekick and just met up with Luke. Of the 3 reborn .. Luke beat 2 while I defeated the 3rd one (Purely luck -- Swing & Hope)


Can anyone spare the time to give me the finer points of Saber fighting?


Any comments will be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

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Every other direction (even diagonal) gives another type of swing. Try them all, again and again, and see how Katarn swings with which direction.


"Some are quick, some are slow, some are high, some are low. Find the one the that suits you best, then and only then you can enter the slaughterfest" - GrandMoffSmokin' ;)

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I studied a bit of samurai fighting here in my place... A few technique seems to apply. Will share a basic move which you all can take it from there. The point here is to make the opponent make the 1st move. This is a 2-hit combo. When your opponent charges at you, sidestep left/right hit the attack button when hes in front of you. You will dodge his (most likely)lunging attack, at the same time do a long, deep swipe opposite the direction you sidestepped. When hes past you, turn around immediately and do the opposite of what you did with your 1st move. Example, you doged left therfore swinging right, turn and doge right swinging left. Sometimes you need to move a bit forward when doing the second swing as your opponent may move bit deeper behind you. This is what i used to kill tavion/dessan.TNX ALL!!

Take it from there!!!! Hope this helped!!!!!

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Yeah, I must admit I just flail around wildly. It's a shame really - they should have studied the game "Severence" a bit which had a really good combat system where every move, swing or dodge was intentional. Also, in Severence, after the first few levels it was impossible to win by button bashing alone.


However, if I remember rightly, in the the last Jedi Knight game I found this at the beginning but towards the end I'd learned to fight properly. It does seem that Jedi Outcast made the control system for lighsabre duels overly complicated, though.


Also, can anyone actually press their mouse button fast enough to win those bits when the lightsabres get stuck? I managed for the first couple of "henchmen" Jedi that I came across, but when I met girlie there was no way I could beat her at it!


One thing that Raven have done, though, and that's make it all look exceedingly cool! It's just a shame that you can't replay them!

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Yeah, I must admit I just flail around wildly. It's a shame really - they should have studied the game "Severence" a bit which had a really good combat system where every move, swing or dodge was intentional. Also, in Severence, after the first few levels it was impossible to win by button bashing alone.


However, if I remember rightly, in the the last Jedi Knight game I found this at the beginning but towards the end I'd learned to fight properly. It does seem that Jedi Outcast made the control system for lighsabre duels overly complicated, though.


Also, can anyone actually press their mouse button fast enough to win those bits when the lightsabres get stuck? I managed for the first couple of "henchmen" Jedi that I came across, but when I met girlie there was no way I could beat her at it!


One thing that Raven have done, though, and that's make it all look exceedingly cool! It's just a shame that you can't replay them!

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It's not so tricky, just watch them incoming and make a swing to meet theirs, then while still moving foward make a loop to the right or left and you might slice their side, if they are behind you on your finish use back and swing to try to get a suprise hit from behind then back off. It's all real fluid.

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Have vastly improved my saber fighting skills ...


Thanks for the tips ....


Always let ur opp. make the 1st move ...


Played some Saber DUELS on the net and that really helped too ....


As for setting up the game with bots in MP ... tried that and that was useful too ...




PS Does anyone else have difficulty using "PULL" to pickup their sabers? I can PULL the saber up but only after ajusting the corsshair to aim prcisely at the saber ... strange

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