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Yesss! A Cyan Lightsaber!


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Originally posted by dan-o2

I would crawl over code as well, I've done it many a time with the chatgui's for t2, however, I mistakenly set word to open the .pk3 files instead of winzip. If anyone would inform me as to how I can set it to a different file for opening, it would be much obliged. (I've done this many times before as well. I'm just too headstrong or something. *shrug*)

It would be useful if we knew what OS you are using so that we can give you an accurate solution....

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dan, What you do is:


Open Explorer

Click on 'Tools'

Select 'Folder Options'

Next, click on the 'File Types' tab


.... let it load and read your file types ....


Then Browse for that certain file type you want to change.

Select the pk3 filetype or whatever

Hit 'remove'

(if you hit 'edit' you can choose another program to open that certain filetype)


Cheers ;)

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Still can't get this saber trail color thing to work.

Frustrates me big time.

I even went as far as HEX-editing the jk2x86.dll and indeed there is at least some understandable text in it, but nowhere near a control setting/routine for the trail color.


Now, if just some developer would walk into this thread and give me a hint just how it works, my Jedi Dreams would be fulfilled.



Just why don't things like that happen outside of movie scripts? :(




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*erm*... no :D


I just happen to be a bit cyan-crazed and... *erh* it looks neat and... ah, whatever. :)


And btw, I have given up on finding a way to modify the trail color. Just nothing to be found that could do it. Guess I will have to wait until the source code is published. (not too likely in the near future :( )




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The reason you can't find that tga file, is because the game doesn't need one!


Q3 will search for the only two file types it can read, tgas and jpegs. If you specify a tga in the shader, it will search for that tga. If there isn't one, it will load a jpeg with the same name. And vise versa. Tgas are only used if you need a mask layer. Which is odd since all of JO textures are jpegs.


After searching the jpegs and tgas, I've come to the conclusion that this blue effect is in the shader files. Done similar to Q3's railgun. The images are black and white, but the code to change it is located in the shader file. As for which one in the JO shaders... I dunno. Still looking for that elusive code. I'll let you know if I find it.

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in the files section of jediknightII.net, there's a section labled sabers.


in there there's a saber with a fire trail.


perhaps you could alter that to be whatever you want.


:D Imagine a light saber that has leonardo decaprio as the trail! :D

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but the code to change it is located in the shader file


Hmm, I had been down that road for some time, and I even found a shader file dealing with sabers, but there was no color reference in it, neither 255,255,255 nor in alias-text.


Still, I really hope you find something I didn't. :)




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Well, the recently released flame sabre, replaces the blurcore.jog and blurglow.jpg files, with flames, (not greyscale, coloured properly), they appear to translate into the game with that same colour ... however, the downside of this, is that every sabre takes on the flame effect blur.

Would it not be possible to have, for example, the bluesabre pointing to blue_blurcore and blue_blurglow ... not the standard blurcore, and blurglow ... this way, you could simple change blue_blurcore to a ... say, cyan glow, instead of a blue one ... this way, each sabre has an individual glow and blur ?

Just a thought, don't have time or experience to experiment with it myself, but it seems the game recognises the colours in the blurcore and blurglow files ... just a theory guys.

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I toyed around with self-made trail textures for the last three hours (oh yes, me<---- geekboy!:rolleyes::p) and the result were somewhat... strange.


I finally managed to get rid of the default blue glow by creating an own texture-jpg, after I had tried in vain to hue-modify the existent one many times.

The results looked perfectly the same in PhotoPaint10, but the game still 'saw' and added a blue glow to the rim of the trail, whenever I used the modified default texture. Only when I really started from scratch with an empty 64x128 Jpeg, adding color shadings and all myself, it didn't.


Just WHY? *grrr* I checked the image histograms and there simply wasn't a trace of blue in them. but still the engine added it. I guess it's a specific grey-value that wasn't sufficiently affected by the PP10 hue manipulator routine. Couldn't make it work, no matter what. :mad:


Now, problem is: these selfmade Jpegs miss some of the transparency effect of the default one. It's not gone but for some reason it's weaker, making the sabertrail look more opaque when watched during 'force speed'.


I will post an upgraded version of the cyan saber soon, but I'm not content with it yet. :(




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