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Whew, beat it *spoiler*


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It took probably about 6 references to the walk through to figure out what I needed to do next. There was no way I was going to keep wandering around aimlessly looking for a grate, or realize that a darkened hallway goes farther than I thought. I'm not going to be THAT diligent!


Anyway, I got lucky in the final battle. Dasaan tossed his sabre at me, and it must have landed inside that red beam device, because he kept trying to call it back and nothing was happening, so I did the choppy choppy on him and finally took him out.


If I had a request to Lucasarts, please make future levels more action based and not so much figuring out which switches to hit. And putting in a dark room to force us to use our light amplication goggles wasn't much fun!


Still, the Jedi battles in the academy were quite cool!


Favorite trick: Jumping in the air and doing a force pull on the storm troopers to send them kareening through the air, hearing them yell from whatever direction they were falling. A little sadistic, but funny!



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The game WAS a bit puzzle / jump / figure out what to do and where to go heavy yeah. On the other hand, that did make it more than your run of the mill shooter *cough* RTCW *cough*, and some of the levels were just ingenious (Artus Mine) so it wasn't too bad all in all, was it? And it gave you something to do with your forcepowers. :)


Good job finishing it!



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