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ns_streets help plz


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Stuck on ns_streets !!!!


Please can sum1 who's done ns_street's help me i've gone up down all a bloody around & can't find a control box for the blooming Garbage crate... I've found 3 secret area's & rite by the bit by the robot there's a little ledge above him that's imposible 2 get 2 even standing on the robot & jumping dont help, l imagine it lead's 2 the open garbage entrance (the only 1 open just 2 the left side of floating garbage crate).


I love the game's difficulty, but i've done the full circuit like 5 time's very slowly must have took me 1-2 hours now.



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The droid is standing in front of a button, if you push that then look down from the edge, you'll notice that one of the two yellow / black hydraulic arms has moved your way. Jump onto it, then walk to it's level point, Force Pull the other arm, jump onto that, and then you will be able to jump into the garbage crate.


Tip : SAVE once you're in the crate, so save yourself some aggravation later on (Trust me on this ;) ).



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Thank's 4 that creston but i'm not stuck there once ur in garbage crate u'r takin along & have 2 get out & kyle say's there must be another control box 2 change the crate's direction thats wot i'm after my friend! I've jumped on in2 around the area / crate many many time's...i'm losing my sanity ..arr not really thx 4 reply plz help again..

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As the garbage crate gets to the place where it goes in to the building (through the blue force field) you will see something that looks like a traffic light (red light on top and a flashing green light below it). When you get close enough to this light use force push and it will switch to blue. The garbage crate will continue on instead of going through the force field. You will come to another similar light and you must use the force again on this one. Thats it!


Also to get to that ledge above the robot by the control panel hop into the garbage crate and as it passes the partially open garbage shute (between the starting point of the garbage crate and the force-field exit) jump up into the shute. There are some secret items in here and you exit from that ledge above the robot.

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