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Question Re: lightsabers in JO


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Ok, in the original Jedi Knight, saber combat wasnt that bad, exept the Double Swing's immense power kind of spoiled it


I was online once, no force on BGJ, and somone asked to saber fight without double swings, it was the best duel EVER, with dodging, blocking and attacking, all over the ship


my question is: this "strong" style sounds alot like the double swing, please tell me that this isnt true!


I dont want saber fights to just be running back and forth trying for the uberswing hit...


I understand that sabers must be powerfull to be well balanced against ranged weapons, but if saber dueling becomes like the JK multiplayer saber duels, I would not play MP alot at all.


edit/BTW: has anybody tried playing through JK's dark jedi on hard without the double swing? its VERY fun!

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The differen styles are perfectly balanced. I use all three styles. When someone tries to take a heavy hit at me I switch to the light stance and hit him. In the heavy stance you'll be vulnerable for a LONG time... and in that time when you're not yet blocking you just have to make sure you aren't hit... saber throws works great too. So I'd say that the three styles are perfectly balanced.


I see lots of players (most that is) just sabering around like headles chickens ... I just watch them and smile while I hit them with a saber throw, easy really since they are not blocking at all when attacking constantly like that. Then when I get a chance I deliver that fatal heavy hit. Sadly these players never learn that the "Headless Chicken" style just isn't any good :D The reason they don't learn is that most players use this ugly style... so they do kill, some skill might be involved... but it's mostly luck IMO... anyway they stand no chance against a player who is just cool and takes his time to kill them.


I just remembered now that some guy said that running backwards should only be 2/3 or 3/4 speed. That is NOT a good idea, then we have no defence against these "Headless Chicken" maniacs. Perhaps your speed should be altered if you use other weapons than the saber - But in saber vs saber it would ruin the gameplay.

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many times the heavy stance is a hit hit kinda kill, but I've slowly learned to counter this style, so now its not a difference if someone uses this style since its so slow to wind up that without force you can just set outta the way or with force you can knock them down. the one thing I haven't been able to fight against is this jumping/one hit kill thing, its not the normal jumping strike but a much more powerful one, that I've only seen one or two people using.


despite this I think we'll see that most people will start to favor the medium stance in the coming weeks, frankly I'm more at a lose fighting a light stance than I am a heavy stance at this point.

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thanks for calming my fears on this topic, i was worried, but as long as the light and med are balanced well against it, its cool


i would have JO by now, but my on the side job pays VERY little, and i owe 75+ in social security taxes, so it will be another month and a half till i can get it :violin:


mabye i can get my brother to use his Best buy store credit :D



EDIT: or wait!!!! where is that guy that posted about how much he hated JK2, mabye i can have his copy :rofl:

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untrue. You cannot be a TRUE leader at sabrefighting unless you know the strengths and weaknesses of each style... it's stupid to use strong in a duel when you knows he's almost dead... the windup time means he could still get his sabre in and kill you.

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WRONG! The best people switch their stances often and don't ONLY use any one stance. Like if their opponent is far away, maybe go strong and try to leap slash. If they are very close go medium or light to dish out some damage without getting to vunerable.


If you go all strong, you will get countered by hit and run as well as saber throw. I am often the top of dueling games, and only rarely use strong stance.

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I use the strong style to start out a match and it does take skill to hit and not luck. It's not easy to hit someone when it's a slow swing that creates a long period of time to swing again in comparison to other styles.


Once I hit the person once and hurt their health, i switch to the fast style to finish them off.


But the strong style has lots of negatives too and all have their purposes.

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Originally posted by aletoledo

many times the heavy stance is a hit hit kinda kill.......the one thing I haven't been able to fight against is this jumping/one hit kill thing, its not the normal jumping strike but a much more powerful one, that I've only seen one or two people using.


When I see them winding up for this move, I strafe-forward while turning the mouse to keep them in view and switch to light stance. Then I'll either force-push them, or if I can get close enough, kick-flip them. And follow up with a couple of hits to the back...I'm still learning, though. Love the Saber!

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