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Question hot to set up Npc spawning


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Hi all

Finished the game twice now and want to play around with spawning some npc's. I do have a question though..when I load in a map to put the enemies in I load in the single player level in the console ie. map artus_topside but when I do, I load in the level from the single player game, how do you simply load the map level without enemies?

the steps as I see it are as follows

1. load in a sp game

2. Put cheats on...devmapall

3. go to a map with map levelnamehere

4. unsure of this step

5. load in my npc's


is this right..can someone point me in the right direction if i am wrong here


thanks for your time



ps. I have spent quite a while trawling here on the forums and on the net but cannot find how to set up the level..only how to spawn in the npc's.

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here you go this works for me....

1 load up SP game

2 turn on cheats with helpusobi 1 command

3 type npc spawn <whatever> to spawn


if you want o set up things in the level

follow first 2 steps then

3 use notarget to become untargetted

4 use noclip to zoom to where you want to put your guys

5 go back to start and take off noclip and notarget and play...



hope this helps

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You cant load levels without normal npc in it. There are nav points built into the pk3 files that put them there. Best thing to do is to play through the level and kill them all then go back and do the other stuff. One other way to do it is to use MP maps or the like.


*edit* actualy saying that nav points was the npcs was a bad example, the npcs are hardcoded into the maps, but you get the point.

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