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how do you get in the hangar?


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i have walked round and round that 360 degreed platform, inspected those switches (that dont turn on) by the pipy thingy, but all i have read about is going into two grates and turning on stuff. This is all very well, if you are in the hangar. This level i think is called 'escape from nar shaddaa' its the one after uve freed lando, and you can see the lady luck from where he is working.


Thanks. Oh yeh May 16th, can't wait for SWII.

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Heh, this must be the 12th time that I've answered this question today...


From the elevator you took to get down to street level (from Lando's controlroom), go straight ahead to the door with a saber lock on it (need lightsaber to break it open). This allows you back into the room you went through a little while ago, but this time the other door is open. This door will allow access to another part of the level.



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I'm also stuck at this point. In 'Lando's control room', there are what looks like two elevators, but only one works. This one takes you down to street level, but all that is in front of you is the edge of the walkway, and none of the doors anywhere that you can reach on the level have a sabre lock. I can see Lando below me working on a console that extends from the walkway a level below where I'm standing, but I can't find any way to reach him.


This is driving me crazy.

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From the control room with Lando. Don't use the elevator in that room. Go back the way you came in and go down to the next level. Here there is door that will lead you to a room with a pit. There is a door across from you that opens into a very dark room. I hope you have batteries for your light enhancers, because you need to get through it. Force jump on the appropriate boxes and you will get to the other side.



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Yeah hes rite you dont even need to get down to lando - all you need to do is go down the elevator, through that room with the pit and through the darkened room - and that should sort you :)


you can then progress through the area with the boxes and work your way up - then you find the controls lando goes on about (i think) - that was all from memory sorry if i got it wrong...



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