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Heavy combo


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I heard there was 1 heavy combo, anyone have any idea what it is? I am very proficient with medium and its not hard to use fast. Heavy is just very damn slow for me, a lil too slow, but it does have its uses sometimes and I was wondering what the 1 combo move for it was.

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I _think_ there is some sort of combo with the big special jumping slash that heavy has. I've seen people do a sweep attack to begin with, then sort of jump directly into the slash, which seems just to make them less vulnerable while they warm up for the big slash. Other than that, I don't think there are any true combos like the twirling and stuff that you get in fast and medium.


- [PMV] Joker

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there is one special move, and one "combo" using the move, that I know of anyway. The special move an overhead jump-slash which can be done in heavy stance by:


Primary attack (maybe while running forward/backwards, so you're doing an overhead slash)

jump around halfway through the animation, maybe a little less.

you'll then jump forward and do an overhead slash finishing crouched and vulnerable.


The move is unblockable and does alot of damage.


The other move ends the same way, but has a jump first, then the special move. Again in heavy:


Smallish Jump (any direction)

while in the air primary attack

as soon as you land jump again (possibly holding forward)


The key to the first jump is that it's big enough for you to start the attack, but not big enough for you to finish it.


So there's the special move and the combo.


Hope that's what you were looking for,


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Cool that is exactly what I was looking for, someone did this to me once and I didnt know how he did it. Actualy isnt hard at all, mostly just timing. The one where you start an overhead attack and right as it is about to finish jump, you kind of rush forward with a big overhead attack.

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