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bunny hopping


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Anyone else notice that this is possible in JK2? If your not from CS, bunny hopping is continuosly jumping. Somehow the physics in the game just keep getting your speed faster and faster. I can bunny hop accross entire lvls. You can use a no force jump bunny hop for a fast escape, or if you force jump off an uneven surface, you get a huge speed increase in that direction. You can chain these "super" force jumps together, and cross entire lvls in 3-4 jumps.

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Well it's kind of like bunnyhopping, and your right, jumping like that is even faster than rolling.


Every experienced Quake 3-player jumps around like that, and JK2 has a lot of Q3 elements in it, so you can also use those jumps in JK2. It's excellent btw.. real handy for CTF.


But unlike bunnyhopping in CS, this sort of jumping in Q3 is condoned. I hope JK2ers will see that it's not cheap either.

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Originally posted by Valdarious

This was found out a long time ago with Quake2 and it was left in the engine when it made its way over to q3a, it comes before CS was out.


yah. dont u love it too? i feel like superman doing it. i like q3. lots of mods.

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Yep, and it is annoying as hell. I, along with others on my team, was constantly trying to chase, with speed, some guy who had stolen the... well animal thingy (can't remember its name)... and he was still going faster, even if I try tried to combine the bunny hoping with speed, I couldn't catch up. Please can Raven get rid of it.

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Its one thing in quake3 where anything goes but in a game about Jedis for god's sake it is unbelievably ridiculous to see a jedi hopping around like some kind of monkey.


Plus, not everyone knows how to (or wants to learn--I just want to have fun not learn and practice some silly discipline) and those who do it have a MASSIVE advantage. In CTF...oh god thats just not right.


If you cant tell I come from CS not Q3 :p

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I have kinda mixed views on this.


First of all in CTY, when you get the enemy ysalmari, I think the creators of the game wanted the captor to be somewhat immobile but immune to force attacks. But when i get into a CTY game, i see captors with the ysalmari bunnyhopping faster than people with speed force.


just bunnyhopping faster than force speed in general is just kinda bending the rules.


But i use it all the time, and i dont care if they do fix it, but if they wanted to fix it i'm sure they already would have. And like Cow_JK said: "it is unbelievably ridiculous to see a jedi hopping around like some kind of monkey."

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I play HalfLife DeathMatch and can bunnyhop in AG (AdrenalineGamer) although Valve has taken care of bunnyhopping by adjusting the netcode.

CS aswell as HLDM run on the quake2 engine so bunnyhopping was possible untill Valve ended it all due of the fact that many complains came in from the CS community.

I cant talk for the Q3 lads in here coz I ain t played it that much,

but plz get rid of bunnyhopping in JediKnightII coz it aint the style of this game, and JKII has good effects build into the game itself.

Why try to equalize one game wiv another by adding summin thats originally not the meaning and the theme of the game.

Its simply not this game's style.

If your searching for another dimension to expand your gaming-experience try and master the way of the lightsaber instead of hopping around like a bunch of idiots.


grtz... dis

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I will agree with those that would like it removed if possible. It doesn't fit the gameplay of JKO. I don't give a crap whether its in Q3 or 2 or whatever... because I see no real advantage in it. I have been able to hit bunnyhoppers just as easily as other players so far and if they want to hop around looking like an idiot thats their business.


However, in JKO it looks beyond ridiculous and actually ruins the flavor entirely in my opinion. And lets face it.... the Jedi Knight series is all about recreating the Star Wars universe and its flavor. Thats its purpose and appeal. If someone wants to bunnyhop around they can just as easily play quake 3.

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"CS aswell as HLDM run on the quake2 engine so bunnyhopping was possible"


HL/CS/TFC run on a modified Quake1 engine, not Quake2..


the bunnyhopping mechanics for HL/CS/TFC are slightly different than that of Quake2 and Quake3, due to the relative low amount of air-control involved in Quake2 and Quake3, compared to HL...


the difference between JK2 and Q3 in terms of acceptance of bunnyhopping is the fact that in JK2, you have force balance issues in that moving at force-speed speeds should come at the cost of your force meter... however, by using the bunnyhopping technique, you are able to completely negate the need for that force power at all..


this is the reason why in HL-based mods that involve class balance(TFC), game speed balance(CS), the issue of bunnyhopping has become defined as more of an exploit than simply a game feature...

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Originally posted by Zodiac

Well it's kind of like bunnyhopping, and your right, jumping like that is even faster than rolling.


Every experienced Quake 3-player jumps around like that, and JK2 has a lot of Q3 elements in it, so you can also use those jumps in JK2. It's excellent btw.. real handy for CTF.


But unlike bunnyhopping in CS, this sort of jumping in Q3 is condoned. I hope JK2ers will see that it's not cheap either.



... i would like to know why it's not cheap ... as i can rationalize it, every aspect of this skill is cheap, im not saying your an idiot for using it, but id like to know why it's not cheap ....

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Originally posted by Zed030

I've seen this term in counterstrike altho never seen it (or just didn't recognize it...)


Can someone plz post steps to doing a "bunny hop"?


it would benefit the community if you didn't learn it

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Me too. I'm also sick of all these cheap, cheap asses out there bunnyhop-draining, drain-gripping, or whatever other neat little exploits that are based on exploiting weird timing issues in the engine, and saying "but it's legit! I'm not cheating!" Cheap is always legit, but people dislike it. "But I'm winning."


Okay, great. If the point is to get the most kills, have fun. Let's turn the Star Wars universe into freaking Unreal Tournament. Next up, a voice patch with Yoda taunting "Die, b!+@#."

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Originally posted by hughJ

"CS aswell as HLDM run on the quake2 engine so bunnyhopping was possible"


HL/CS/TFC run on a modified Quake1 engine, not Quake2..


er, so just out of curiosity, you're saying that valve licensed the quake 1 engine, and then converted quakec to c++.... wouldnt it be more highly logical that its the quake2 engine, considering quake2 is c++ as well?


Bunny hopping has been around for ages, while I'm not certain if it was possible in quake 1, I know it was possible in Team Fortress for Quake (And incidentally, quakeworld)



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lolz we already had this discussion about which engine HL/CS/TFC use. Conclusion: They use parts of both the Q1 and Q2 engine. :) Those weren't my words, but go back a few pages and u can see the entire "HL uses Q1 or Q2 engine" topic. :)


I'm just saying this bunnyhopping isnt cheap, cuz this is an arcade game, not some jedi-simulator. I've seen many discussions about "bunnyhopping". It always ends with one group liking it and one group disliking it... I'm in the group who likes it and there's nothing I can say to other people to persuade them to like it too. Nor is there a way to persuade me to dislike fastjumps. It's real hard to win such discussions in real life, and it's even harder to convince someone through an electronic message board.


And btw.. those who don't know about those jumps, they just roll around all the time. Now that also looks stupid and a jedi rolling around on the floor is quite hilarious, but people do everything just to move faster than running... My suggestion: just speed it all up, speed up the running and nobody'll be rolling around or jumping anymore. :)

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Originally posted by SD_ALLSTAR

Anyone else notice that this is possible in JK2? If your not from CS, bunny hopping is continuosly jumping. Somehow the physics in the game just keep getting your speed faster and faster. I can bunny hop accross entire lvls. You can use a no force jump bunny hop for a fast escape, or if you force jump off an uneven surface, you get a huge speed increase in that direction. You can chain these "super" force jumps together, and cross entire lvls in 3-4 jumps.



"bunny hopping" is actualy called Strafe Jumping. And it's not from CS, it's from the old Quake1 days...the real deal.


It is very possible in JO, until you get force jump.



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For all purposes it IS a jedi simulator though. People who are interested in this game are interested because of the atmosphere of the Star Wars universe.


I for one want SOME semblance of the "reality" of the series... not to see a bunch of people jumping around like a dancing carnival chicken on a hotplate. Neither do I want to see them rolling around all over the place.


Why can't you just be content with force speed... how fast do you REALLY need to go? Its not a racing sim after all... :rolleyes:


I must ammend by saying... you are of course perfectly justified in liking what you like but understand that I and other may not choose to play with bunny hoppers because they infringe on what WE think is fun about Jedi Knight. :)

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