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bunny hopping


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if everyone wasn't supposed to do it, they would have removed it from the game..


other games have it removed or nullified it through various code implementations.. this is raven we're talking about here.. they obviously knew it existed.. they have loads of quake engine experience..

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Originally posted by TdM

thank god one person in this forum called it strafe jumping thank you valdarious - I presume strafe jumping is the same thing... what kinda ridiculous word is bunny hopping....


you do that on bikes and it sounds stupid then... strafe jumping is the term yes all technical so nice...


umm... anyway can you do the signiture curve? strafe jump continuously in one direction in a big long curve then after about 5 or 6 jumps switch direction and strafe jump the opposite way - used to give you a massive leap in action quake 2 giving you a massive advantage....



So, is it called "strafe jumping"? I thought it was bunny hopping. So to strafe jump, do you just press jump and then strafe to the side or something? I thought it was crouch, or is this a different thing altogether?

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i know what you meant, just wanted to point out that your definition will only work for mp on servers that dont have cheats enabled. in sp it's 'in the game' but it's still called cheating.


and on the matter if raven wanted strafe-jumping to be in the game. i doubt it, it makes force speed unnecessary. but just wait for a first patch. if it will still be possible they want it if not they just forgot to do something about it (or didnt care).


but i honestly doubt that any serious game designer would ignore the fact that one of the features of the game becomes obsolete because of a 'bug' in the engine if someone brought up that topic during development.

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I am a server admin of a duel server. Ocasionally we get a couple people in there that bunny hop and connect it with a heavy (one hit kill) downswing. That is very unbalanced since heavy is supposed to be a slow swing. I have seen people on my server do two bunny hops followed by the downswing and then immediatly do a backflip...and start all over again. Not only does it look ridiculous it is Cheap IMO. It detracts from the "Fun" factor of playing or watching a duel.

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Ater reading a several of the posts here, I have to side with the anti-bunnyhoppers.

First off, for those who hate the term bunnyhopping, I realize it doeasnt sound as cool or technical asstrafe jumping, but it is a bunny hop. If you saw someone in real life hopping down the street I doubt you would say,"Hey, look at that guy strafe jumping."

As for the move in the game, it is a a lazymans tactic and as close to a cheat as you can get without entering a code. The reason I say it's a lazymans tactic is because it requires no skill whatsoever. Sure it may take some time to perfect but thats irrelevant. The real "pros" are the guys who can use things like lightsaber skill, weapons skill, and force powers to give them selves an edge over the competition. I've lost count on how many times I've had someone come up on me from behind, force grip me, and move me around so fast I cant force push my way out of it before dumping me off a cliff. I've use the same move against others as well. Then there are some guys sho are such pros that they can get out of such situations more often than not and make me wish I'd never tried it. There are guys who know the maps so well they can get all teh god weapos fast and know just how to use them to kick everyones butt. For those who dont like rocket launcers, I've also been in situations where I thougth I was about to blow someone away just to have them run right at me and force puch all my rockets right back at me making that launcher work against me. There are also guys out there that have practices so much with their saber that they can kick anyones butt in a duel just by knowing what to do and when to do it. These guys are the real "pros" because they can use the game as it was intended and still win most matches. Even the so called "cheap" moves at least involve some real tactics. If someone has just barely won a lighsaber duel with someone, why not hit them with a burst of force lightning before they get a chance to heal up. Not my fault he took so much damage during the fight. These things take practice, talent, and a general understanding of tactics. The guys who use bugs in the game like bunny hopping or some of the invisible models, are just too lazy to realy learn how to play a game.

I'm not saying the bunny hopers are bad people or somehow less than human (this is just a game after all). What I do think is that they generally are inconsiderate and dont care if they ruin the fun for others. So, for those bunny hopping gurus out there, please make your own servers to play on and leave the rest of us in peace. Otherwise, dont get upset when you get kicked off of servers where people dont like what you are doing.

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umm no matter if strafe jumping is "skill" or not - but there are big differences between speeds different players gain in quake 3, and after how many jumps they gain the speed (some people seem to be going at twice the normal speed after few jumps) -, lets say you respawn on the opposite side of the map (compared to where all the others happen to be fighting)... are you supposed to just slowly run there (and maybe get immediately killed again once you get there)... i have used and will use strafe jumping to move faster around the maps.. i dont use it in fights (i dont know how it would be good for fights), but i dont care if others do (actually i dont care how others play in general)

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