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Best Dueling Force Powers...

[PMV] Joker

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I'd like as much feedback on this as possible, but it seems to me that there are only a couple really feasible force power configs for dueling. Here's what I've seen working well:


First off, always have Push maxed. It's just too damn useful to be able to knock somebody flat and then rush in while they're getting up. This should go for just about any strategy.


For the Light Side:

Absorb+Heal - You counter just about everything with Absorb, then flip to Heal when you're in trouble. I've seen people tack on the Mind Trick here but it doesn't seem all that useful to me, since I always just start running and rolling erratically while they lose force power. Anybody got an effective way to use it?


For the Dark Side:

Drain+Lightning - Drain seems to be the ultimate power, at least from what I've seen. If you drain somebody right away and press the attack while draining you've got a good shot at winning even if your saber skills aren't top notch. Lightning is the second best dark power, useful for the finisher after a big attack that just couldn't do enough damage.


...and that's really it. These two strategies counter each other pretty well, but the Light Side guy has to work a lot harder to keep Absorb up and balance his force powers. As for the other powers....


Pull - Never really used, but I assume it could be as good as Push. Anybody use this? I'm just a little leery of pulling a saber into me...


Speed - I never seen this used well. It's way too force intensive and once you're in it it's really easy to get pushed down.


Protect - Heh...yeah, nothing brings a smile to my face like seeing somebody with a green aura. Useless beyond belief.


Dark Rage - Same deal with speed, it's too easy to get pushed or for the other guy to just flee while you're enraged and wait for the negative side to kick in...and then destroy you.


Grip - I can't get this to work for anything, but when it does go off it seems to be pretty good. But again, level 3 push breaks you right out of it.


Saber Throw - Mixed bag here. I've seen people use it well, like if they can pull off the defensive rotation thing, but usually it's just used to do a quick 15 or 20 points of damage that gets drained or healed back up instantly. Plus, it leaves you vulnerable to attack for a rather long time if you miss. But it does look cool, and we here at PMV are all about that...


So, there's our impressions. Feel free to suggest/correct/flame any of these. I just want to see some new strategies...


- [PMV] Joker

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As title says, i have player for a long time , push is easy to use but it makes a long range between you and flat enemy.

when somebody push me down,i just hit the jump and stand up fast as soon as he rush in, enemy can't have a chance to slash me on the ground even he thought he could.

But, if you pull a enemy twice, he would be knock down just on your feet, you got the very first time to take advantage of a flat


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Ok, I was wondering about that and want to try it out. Also, can anybody tell me how the hell Grip works? I see people on some servers dominating with it, but I'm lucky if I can get it to hit. When it does though, you can just bring them right over top of you and wait for the grip to run out and drop them onto a heavy style slash to end it quick.


One of the other threads was discussing this, but didn't generate any real answers. Does anybody know how it works? I know it's not like push which depends on the animation frame (or it uses different frames) and it does not work if they're just standing there or running around.


- [PMV] Joker

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Grip is fine, but it's simple to destroy a gripper on a high ledge level. When they use it, if you're on a bridge, just pull them over with you. Or, if they have to turn and move you forward to an edge, pull them, then jump over them, spin around in midair, and push while they're flipping to their feet. Push and pull are the ways to win those falling levels.

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Originally posted by kerosene31

Pull is nice to pull people with their back turned to me (especially when they are running away). Although it probably isn't worth putting points into for that little bit of fun.

People running away with their backs to me? That's what the blaster carbine is for.:charric:
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U can use Pull to great effect against the right opponent. I sometimes go with blue stance and pull the ppl to me. Some ppl panioc than, some dont - but for great counter attacks they have no time. 1 to 3 quick slashes and I have one kill more. With other dudes this tactic doesnt work, than I use mostly push (and erratically pull - so they cannot be sure what I use).


And I strictly play the absorb/heal combo. Drainig didn't work out for me cause I concentrated more on draining the ppl, than to fight. Now I push only one butten to get healed - healed quick. On some servers I can live pretty long that way.


Grip - well, I like the challenge. Grip doest provied much challenge for me. I like it when the odds are against me, winning makes so much more fun that way.


Fear Factor

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I think that on a Duel server, the Mind trick is pretty nasty.


I had this pulled on me, but luckily I could hear his footsteps! He got around in front of me, and the footsteps stopped. I immediately slashed forward, and scored the hit while he materialized! (Still lost the duel, but not by much...:D)


Against drain, I just use absorb. The same player was destroying everyone else on the server using drain, grip, and lightning since they were all dark. I was the only light, and was able to counter his dark powers. It came down to saber skill, and I beat him quite a few times where no one else did, though he beat me more than I beat him. (and my hands STILL hurt!!!)


I did one sequence that left me laughing, though. I pulled a "runner" towards me, then pushed. He landed right on his face. One jump slash to score the hit....


Not bad for my very first duel! This game is awesome!





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I really get annoyed about grip this grip that ....

Actually, I can counter the grip almost 100%,if i concentrate


I set each force a key,and it makes me easier to use different force fast.

Absorb+heal counters everything,but not in a FFA duel with too many people try to grip me.

My opinon is,if you react fast enought when you get gripped,nobody can drop you die.

Trust me,in a nar shadda map, I only drop die 2 times , and never get gripped over 1 second,just because I just trun on the absorb on time and trun off so.

Ping is really matter too,my ping is low so that I won't get fool by lag.I think the lag makes grip drop die so terrible to guys without adsl or cable.

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So absorb stops ALL force powers from affecting you? That's kinda, eh, overpotent? Not to mention the description being inaccurate, cus it says it only prevents DAMAGE from force powers.

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I thought I'd add my own little view:


Absorb. It is a must for any Light Jedi and probably the best power out there. What people seem to forget is that while you have absorb on you can still use your own force powers. Just laugh away while those stupid Dark Jedi don't realise their lightening is doing them no good, yet you can push and pull him/her all you want. Which actually brings me on to my next point... that most of the time they are not paying attention to your absorb. Remember, that when they're trying to drain, grip or lightening you they are a) open for attack, since they have to move their sword out of the way and b) too busy concentrating on their force power and not watching their moves. If I'm limited to a single power then I always choose this one.


Grip. I don't usually play as a Dark Jedi but from the experience I have had I think people should remember to move their opponents up as well as around once they have them in a grip. Not only will they sustain damage from the drop, but it makes it harder for them to lock onto you with push. Hence again, why absorb is so useful. Switch it on and the grip is lost straight away... well in theory. I think lag, and I play with pings of 30, means you'll have a 1-2 second delay sometimes, which can be really irritating.


Heal. I use it, but on duelling servers I end up feeling I'm kind of... cheap. It can make rounds go on forever. If I'm fighting someone who has it I tend to opt for the strong stance, since you really need to take them out with one hit or you never will. As for Dark Jedi... well you can have more fun with them since they can't heal so easily. :)


Speed. I don't like it for one on one combat, it turns things into a mess, but that is not to say it isn't useful. You obviously get more swings in a certain time period. On CTF and CTY it is a must ability, not just for flag stealing, but also flag defending.


Confusion. I'm beginning to think this is kind of pointless. Once you cast this on someone they don't tend to stand around waiting for you to them, they keep moving, making it somewhat hard to approach. That isn't to say it is impossible. Time it right and you can get a good swing in. I think in addition to making you invisible it should also remove your footsteps. In duel it is too easy to hear the enemy coming. If we're blind, surely we're going to be deaf too? It might be quite useful on CTF in combination with speed, when trying to get away with the flag.


Protect. I don't even know what this protects you from. Is it all non-force attacks... i.e. guns and lightsabres? Anyway, I find it kind of pointless. Firstly, you're force power just gets drained too quickly when you take the damage. Perhaps that's where it needs to be alterated. Secondly, because of this, it is more useful to use heal instead. If you're going to take the damage use the force it would have been redirected to under protect, to heal yourself instead.


Seeing. Yet to really need this, but perhaps it depends alot more on the map. The ability to avoid sniper bullets might come in use later.


Push. I think it is obvious that this is quite useful, especially on the ledge maps, but don't rely on it as a way in which to break out of grip. Use absorb instead. However, I think one of its best uses is for pushing grenades, rockets and the repeaters secondary fire back at the shooter.


Pull. I've seen a number of players use this to great effect. The Bespin CTF map is a good place, where you can pull guys who like to stand on the ledges firing away (it has happened to be so many times and I just have to laugh :) ). You can also pull weapons out of people's hands, but you need to be pretty close.


Throw. Pointless. I never use this unless I have some left over force points after selecting max sabre skills, jump, absorb, push, speed and possibly pull. As someone else said the small damage it does can be healed pretty quickly and I think it is dead easy to dodge the sword. The only time I can think it might be of use is if you're chasing someone with the flag. In duels I never both throwing.

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Originally posted by Jow

So absorb stops ALL force powers from affecting you? That's kinda, eh, overpotent? Not to mention the description being inaccurate, cus it says it only prevents DAMAGE from force powers.


Actually Absorb does prevent all force powers from affecting you.. push, pull, grip, you name it.


Mind trick is evil.. first off, you should use it sparringly in large FFA games as a defensive power, in case you get in trouble. Its a great way to get past defenses in CTY/CTF.


Second, my way of playing may be a bit different from yours. I use it at the start of a match, because very few people throw up sight that early. They usually dont even have sight unless they know a mind tricker is among them. Then, they revamp their force lineup and burn points on sight. Thats when you change stuff around. After another good couple of rounds, switch back to mind trick. Make sure to use a power unhonorably at least once so they want to change again to counter that power. The real trick is learning to guess when you should revert to and from Mind trick and your other setup. My light side setup normally: 3 Jump, 3 Push, 3 pull, 3 Mind trick, 2 or 3 in heal, 3 in Saber O and D. Thats provided I have enough points. I put priority on push and pull though, because you will lose to a pusher and puller if you have none in either.

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Thou I am a light jedi I think those are the most useful forces:


- Jump (use it the right way and you gain major advance in outdoor maps)

- Absorb (Dark Jedis Bane)

- Push (Well there is an insane use of this power beside pushing peoples down the walkways in Bespin etc - which I realy hate (same with grip) - pretty lame)

- Heal (Insane Skill)

- Saberthrow (Learn about it and you will reign the field)



Saber Only Servers are for real JK2 gamers...

The rest should move on to UT or Quake...


My opinion...





Member of [RAF]

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the wonderful thing about grip that it seems some havent notice, is that after u've held em in it long enuf, (assuming u drained them well b4 hand) opponents seem to have to take a second or so to recover afterwards, leaving them wide open to an ez swing......

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Force drain + grip are the most powerful combination in the game when used by a skilled player. Unless the person can get force absorb up before all of their power is drained, they are a sitting duck. For anyone using light, we must have absorb ready at all times to counter. Heal is great and a lifesaver, provided that your force power hasn't been completely drained.


Force absorb and heal are great, prolly the second best combo in the game. Being able to heal in the middle of a fight is a huge advantage. You can take so many more hits than your opponent.


I currently play light, but may switch over to the dark side. I do enjoy watching inexperianced players hammering me with lightning while I have force absorb on...


Other than that, I honestly barely touch the other powers much, but they do have their uses as others have mentioned.

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:o I don't see why no one has realized the greatest combo of force powers (in my opininon) especially in dueling. Force Speed and Rage lvl 3. This combo is INSANE, sure, you slowly die and if they get a hit off you most likely wont last much longer but, if you get good at it you can dodge anything, catch up to anyone, and with heavy stance, you swing much faster, do much more damage and....just.... own everyone. I especialy like speed and rage when there's a big ffa crowd of dabre fighters. Rarr :jawa
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Originally posted by [PMV] Joker

I've seen people tack on the Mind Trick here but it doesn't seem all that useful to me, since I always just start running and rolling erratically while they lose force power. Anybody got an effective way to use it?


Well no matter how "erratically" people tend to run or jump, they all have a pattern. Don't chase after your opponent, let them come to you. All you have to do is wait for the right moment then u kick them on the ground(which doesn't uncloak you) and finish them. Or you can just play with them and continually kick them from different directions :D . Also, crouching will help your opponent not hear your footsteps. And when you think that your mind trick is about to wear off, hide somewhere(if the map permits) so they're still a bit bewildered by you not showing up slashing at them.

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It really depends on the map. If I can throw people off a ledge, then I make sure to pump up push, which is full anyway, and grip, since if it does work, it will kick but. Otherwise, lightning is good for stripping shields, and then drain lets me gain health, while you lose your force power.

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