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Best Dueling Force Powers...

[PMV] Joker

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i'm a light jedi mainly.

mostly becaues of the heal power. I haven't used absorb much, but it seems that I aught to try.


I haven't ever played much as a dark jedi but if drain heals and rage kills then it seems that they would be a pretty good combo


that's all folks

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Originally posted by Jim90




Ok, I was with you up to this point man, but wow, you have to be out of your mind to buy into this.


QUOTE]Originally posted by Jim90




Again, what were you thinking here, that's just flat out wrong!


QUOTE]Originally posted by Jim90




No, I don't see how the average yearly rainfall of the amazon river basin has anything to do with Jedi Knight.


Lamer :p

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I use grip and push, mostly.


Push is incredibly useful in multiplayer for simply shoving enemies into each other, shoving people off of ledges, making some distance, or knocking people down.


Grip is also very useful in maps like ns_streets (where it is EXTREMELY cheap, just like Push) or any team map. You grip the enemy and watch teammates cut him to shreds. To use grip, the enemy needs to be fairly close to you and you must face him. When using grip its good to move the poor fool around, slamming him into any nearby walls, up or down to keep him from pushing you away accurately, or over a hole to drop him to a distant, messy death.

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Push and pull are always a must for maxing out, as is jump. After that, points usually go into grip and drain, with at least 2 points in each saber O and D (normally only 2 in O, I'm not one for the heavy stance). For all you "light jedi" players out there, don't assume that everybody that plays dark in a duel server will just keep zapping away with absorb or lightning long after you put up absorb; most of us (or at least a few of us :rolleyes: ) pay close enough attention to see what's going down, and we'll just run in close and start slashing away while you frantically search for your button to turn off absorb (so it'll quit eating away your own force power).


Also, heal is over-rated; I never see anyone even attempt to use it in the middle of a drawn-out saber battle. Normally, it's a matter of the person about to heal running away from the other while they slowly build up enough force to use heal. I've seen it done a few times where even if the heal gets done, a few quick pulls by the other player is all it takes to land the healer on the ground right in front of his attacker.

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The knack with DR is timing/forthought and opponent awareness:


a) If you rage too soon, your opponent will simply back off until you run dry and then attack while you are weak. (I love doing this to others) Get close and then rage him just as you go in for the kill.

b) Always carry bacta for the hangover or know where a handy refuel is.

c) Dark Rage is best when used against groups of opponents. I can get 3 kills in about 5 seconds with DR in a FFA. The bonus is that in the confusion of the mob, the fast red blur will be the hardest to land the push or grip on.

d) When you are hungover, go on the defensive. Don't think that you only need one or two more swings to finish off your opponent. Rolling is your friend here.


As for DR+speed, I wasn't aware that you could use the two together - will try that out next time. Most times I would not have enough force power left for that combo I think.

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Bacta is your friend. So is knowing where the refuels are. I always save my force heal until I have no other option, I may need it for some other power.


Of course the number 1 way not to have to rely on heal is not to get damaged in the first place. :) Absorb will go a long way in this respect.

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What's the deal with Jump? I see alot of people are maxxing it out. Other than on the coupla catwalk bits, there's really no need that I've seen to be making HUGE jumps.


People jump-walking like in HL?


I seldom go more than the 0 point first level in Jump. Points seem much better spent elsewhere.


Is it really that difficult to avoid a jumping slash? Difficult enough that it's a seriously damaging move? I don't have much trouble doing it, so I assume that it must be pretty easy to avoid. ;)



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Originally posted by Doberman

What's the deal with Jump? I see alot of people are maxxing it out. Other than on the coupla catwalk bits, there's really no need that I've seen to be making HUGE jumps.


People jump-walking like in HL?


I seldom go more than the 0 point first level in Jump. Points seem much better spent elsewhere.


Is it really that difficult to avoid a jumping slash? Difficult enough that it's a seriously damaging move? I don't have much trouble doing it, so I assume that it must be pretty easy to avoid. ;)




The biggest reason I see is to chase after others who have maxed jump. On a lot of levels if one player has max jump and the other doesn't it simply isn't feasible to chase after them, giving them time to regenerate/recharge/etc.


As for me, I've found Drain to be of the biggest use as a darksider... Grip is fun but it leaves you too open most of the time.

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I am really turning into a fan of the mind trick.


Dissappear move around behind opponent.


change stance to red.


hack away and they die.


or line up the old rocket shot.


It is just too cool.


Or to watch the chat line as you pull it on some noobie...







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ok... i havent been able to install my game on this comp but i played for a day or two before school started again so i cant say i have much experience...



what does it do exactly? does drain still affect u? i know it's very useful against lightning...



i liked this power a lot... it seems more useful as a defensive power (create space) tho since ppl seem to be able to get up just a lil before u can slash them



u can actually pull weapons out? i havent seen that yet... it seems useful as a companion to push... to keep the opponent guessing on which one u'll do...



too useful not to be @ level 3... u can get to places much quicker and also get away from ppl... not having jump would be like losing a whole dimension to your mobility


mind trick

when do u reappear? after a slash? after pushing someone?



at level 3, this power can keep u alive really long... it doesnt use much force power either...



i'm still not clear on what it protects u from... the one time i used it, i died like after getting hit twice...


i haven't even touched the dark side yet so i dunno any strategies at all except from what i know as a light-sider... grip can be annoying but drain seems to be the killer... unless absorb stops it...

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Mind Trick

Makes you invisible until you either attack your opponent or use force push/pull. Plus, no matter how much they drain you afterwards, mind trick is a timed move so no need to worry about force wearing down(though it does keep you from gaining any more).

Of course, kicking does not count as an attack so do that all you like ;)


Protects against most force powers like drain, lightning, grip, push, and pull.


It is possible to pull the weapons out of people's hands, but it rarely happens.


While drain can be quite impairing, the trick is to attack your opponent while they are draining. They are usually standing still or running backwards, a perfect opportunity for a kick or last second saber throw(Or if they really suck you can just go up and hack at them).

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Originally posted by Chacal

I am really turning into a fan of the mind trick.


Dissappear move around behind opponent.


change stance to red.


hack away and they die.


or line up the old rocket shot.


It is just too cool.


Or to watch the chat line as you pull it on some noobie...









Yeah, but the crappy part is that nobodies stupid enough to just stand still when you suddenly dissaper

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I like having force push3, force pull3, force grip3, force drain3,


dark rage3 and 3 for force jump,saber offense/defense. the rest


goes to the saber throw.


I use push to knock people down and slash them, pull to kick


them in their face and drain/grip for annoying runners who


constantly heals in the middle of duel.


Medium stance works best for me when I duel, heavy stance


leaves me open wide to my opponent too much.

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Absorb not only protects you from enemies force

it also gives you force if the enemy tries to damage you

with his forceskill (i.e. Grip, Lightning etc.)


As I mentioned earlier... Its the Dark Jedis Bane.





Member of [RAF]

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I max out healing, jump, defend and attack. Than I split the rest between push, absorb and protect(depending on what the other person is using).


I never play dark, I dont like the offensive powers at all(even though I play totaly offensivly as a light jedi).

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Originally posted by Deboze

:o I don't see why no one has realized the greatest combo of force powers (in my opininon) especially in dueling. Force Speed and Rage lvl 3. This combo is INSANE, sure, you slowly die and if they get a hit off you most likely wont last much longer but, if you get good at it you can dodge anything, catch up to anyone, and with heavy stance, you swing much faster, do much more damage and....just.... own everyone. I especialy like speed and rage when there's a big ffa crowd of dabre fighters. Rarr :jawa



It's a great combo for sure, especially if both are maxed out. But if you activate both at once, it totally drains your force level. And many powers (like Grip) will stop that raging charge cold. :(

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