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More Models?


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Since Raven has dropped a few hints that they will be releasing some extras for Jedi Outcast, I can only hope that we will be getting new models.


This sent my mind wandering and since I've been experimenting with skinning in a couple games now. I am hoping for new models with accessories (belts, vests, holsters, packs, etc.) Anyone who's messed with the SOF2 ModView knows about turning on and off the different accessories and I think that's so cool.


Anyway, if I had my pick of what models to add, they'd be these in no particular order:


Female Twi'lek, with head-tails that work like the weequay's hair

Jedi, with a hood and robes


Scout trooper (I've loved these guys since I was knee high)


I'm curious as to what other people would like to see. I guess if only one on my list was made, I'd want it to be the Twi'lek so that there'd be another humanoid character to choose from.

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