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Help w/ Lando?


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Hey - I'm stuck and would appreciate a little advice from some of you veteran players. I rescued Lando and he sent me to go open some doors or something. I got to a place where he was pinned down by 2 guns and I took them out from below. Now I can see him working below still but there is nowhere to go. I can't get into the room where the guns were and the only other door ahead of me is locked. Do I have to go back through that pitch black room again? Sorry I can't explain it better.. I'm not sure where I'm supposed to be going or how to get there.




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well i got past that dark part.


u have 2 use the amplified light goggles. i binded mine to "m" but you'r gonna hav 2 look at your controls.


one of them dark poles in shorter, you can jump over it into the next area and kill some ppl. you make a left and crawl. and then a right, out a door. bad guyswith thermals thignys 3 0' clock.


now i dunno how to open the roof doors yet. anyone know? lando's getin' impatient i'm certain.

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