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How do I Get the FREAKEN lightsaber!.


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use force speed and then once your within range, use force pull on the saber and you'll get it


That has to be the shortest, most precise description I've heard on it yet.


Just make sure that the platform has sunk all the way to the bottom before before starting your run. It will stay down for as long as you stay on it.



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Even to do it succesfully, it is hell.


I had something funny happen to me. I got close, used Force Pull, and it only pulled it close enough to me to get lodged under the side of the cage as it was dropping. So I just stood there and kept using Force Pull, and it pulled it out from under the cage about an inch at a time until....YES!! I HAVE IT!!! WHEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!! and the cage was able to drop fully...




THAT part of the game was exceedingly difficult!!!

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