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boba fett face


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Well, if you want to know what Boba Fett looks like, then you need a picture of Jango Fett, played by Temeura Morrison. Seeing as Boba is a clone of Jango, they look identical (minus the scars). Do not use a picture of Jeremy Bulloch who played Boba Fett in the original trilogy. Jango Fett is the closest we will get to seeing Boba's aged face. theforce.net has pictures of his face and I believe starwars.com does too. But use Jango's face as a reference because you simply won't find one of Boba's other than as a child.

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I'm not sure if that's correct or not, but in The Essential Guide To Characters, it says that Boba Fett was Journeyman Protector Jaster Mereel. He was a young law-enforcement officer on the planer of Concord Down and he had killed another protector and was imprisoned for that. He was tried and exiled from there. :fett:

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I suppose his hair could be combed differently...otherwise it'd be exactly the same. And don't go for post-ROTJ Boba Fett, that was when he was weak and old. Go for Shadows of the Empire era Fett. That's the time between ESB and ROTJ. He was in his prime then. Just take Jango Fett's face and change the scars around. The most important thing is that he is wearing something from the correct time period.

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if you are going to put on Jango's head I think it would be a bad Idea


hell what if he is bald or whatever hair makes a huge diff


I still say the bandaged fett, and the weak and old arguement well doesnt make much sense , seeing as ROTJ happens 5 months after Shadows Begins

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Jaster Mereel and that whole story WAS the official, sanctioned SW canon.


Until Episode II started rolling along. And since the movies have precedence over the stories, the whole Jaster Mereel thing is no more, and is replaced by the movie canon of Jango Fett, etc.



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Oh btw, yeah hair makes a difference but if he wanted the best representation of what Boba looks like, Jango is the man. There is no way around it. My advice is to forget trying to show Boba's face at all...but if you must, just use Jango's face and mess it up a little bit, maybe change the hair. Adding some bandages may work too.

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the Jaster mereel background has been worked into the timeline and wasnt scrapped it was mentioned as part of it



also without them giving us an actual look at Fett nothing can be for sure. hell I wouldnt put it past them to say he altering surgery . . .



assumptions in the StarWars universe are usually bad

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Sure it's possible he had surgery, but why would he if he is always gonna wear a helmet? and I don't believe the Jaster Mereel story is real. I believe it was scrapped. Find me a link that explains how it is a true story. It's an old folk tale in the SW universe. Anyways, Boba Fett's true aged face will never be revealed. So we will never know. We can only speculate. But it's obvious the basis for his face is Jango's. Even if he did have surgery it would still probably have similar features to Jango. My advice again is: don't even try to show Boba's face.

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Well duh there are tons of pictures of Boba as a kid, just look at the Episode II trailers, or all the pictures on Starwars.com...But he wanted a picture of Boba as an adult. BTW, they did a great job of getting an actor to play Boba as a kid that looks a lot like his Clone father, Jango, played by Temuera Morrison.

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well about posting a link well I cant remember where I read it but I did in the last 2 days when searching for the back ground on another Mandalorian wearer



It said sometime later in his life he takes on the name jaster mereel . . .



which would make total sense seeing as Jango gets killed in episodeII and Boba is still a kid so is prob raised by someone else. Hence a name change for a time . . .



so to recap I am not relooking for the link well cuz I am no ones assistant, if you choose not to believe me then I DON'T CARE :)

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Well i guess it's possible for him to change his name to Jaster, then change it back to Boba Fett. I still think whoever came up with that was just trying too hard to make the EU fit seamlessly with the actual movies. My personal belief is that it is a lie about his background told by either Boba Fett or some old fart storyteller. Regardless of his name, Boba is still the clone of Jango. I don't think it is worth making a skin of Boba that shows his face...imagine the controversy. Look at the discussion you've stirred up just by asking the question.

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I'm not sure if that's correct or not, but in The Essential Guide To Characters, it says that Boba Fett was Journeyman Protector Jaster Mereel. He was a young law-enforcement officer on the planer of Concord Down and he had killed another protector and was imprisoned for that. He was tried and exiled from there


The whole EU isn't Canon debate starts here. And I thought I escaped it from sw.com



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lol foxbatkllr, there was no controversy until you started arguing his background :) Danica, make the skin if thats the skin you want to do. there will be people that will say, "thats not what he'll look like without his helmet" and there will be people that will sayd "why are you gonna make him without a helmet? theres never a mandalorian without his helmet!" hehe but there will also be people who like the skin. make it for them, and for yourself, and everyone else be damned. you stare at the back of their heads the entire time you play anyway :p

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Hey I didn't start the argument. I gave a quick lesson on Boba Fett's true background, that he is the clone of Jango. You can argue the EU all you want and disput whatever is true or not about that, but you can't get around the movie. He wanted to know what Boba Fett's face looks like and I told him the most accurate picture that we have of his face to date is Jango's face. I suggested not trying to make Boba's face because simply I think it would be too difficult to figure out. I'm not against people making mandalorian skins without the helmet. The real controversy started when people came in saying "oh but this EU book says he is jaster mereel." In all battle of dispute, the SW movies clearly win over the EU. You wanna know what Boba Fett will look like when he's older? Jango Fett. That's the best answer in my opinion.

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Man, you guys are pathetic. You call yourselves Boba Fett fans.... Boba Fett is Jango Fett's son. If you dont know that , your just plain ignorant. They show a picture of Boba Fett with his father, Jango Fett in Episode 2. Yes he is 12 years old in Episode 2. If you dont believe me, do the research. They show him and Jango in Slave 1. Jango has his helmet off. It shows both Boba and Jango's faces. Boba's is not as Colombian as Jango's is. I believe they messed up the casting for that. Boba Fett is Jango and Jango's mistresses son (They dont say that in the movies but if you put the math together then there ya go, and i cant remeber her name) Go to the Star Wars official site and read up on Jango and Boba. Next time, please know what your talking about so you dont look like a fool. Just some advice. :fett: Oh and i dont mean to sound like an ass in this but, it just made me mad that you claim to be Fett fans and you think he's a clone... Peace

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Ok, Jango's "mistress" as i said before, her name is Zam Wesell. Her and Jango go WAY back. And this woman, is Boba Fett's mother. And she will be in E2 with Jango Fett. By the way, Jango would not make a clone of himself for he would be out of buisness.... Think about that one.... More info on Zam, go to http://starwars.com/databank/character/zamwesell/index.html . Peace out, and "May the force be with" lol, i just wanted to say that, sorry :fett:

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you are an idiot



A deal is made between Jango Fett and Dooku



Dooku wants a Clone army ( all of which are based off of Jango's DNA)


In Return Jango gets to keep a clone of himself. Boba Fett



why would he do this?



Some believe Jango wanted a son, but couldnt have one.

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