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boba fett face


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Just doing a search out of interest I noted that Jeremy Bulloch is in fact English... neat, the coolest charcter ever to hit the Star Wars screen was a Brit (so was Darth Vader, but he wasn't as neat). I can add that to my small list of pathetic things to be proud of. :)


Speaking of Vader, you know that the guy who played him was from Devon? They were originally going to use his voice for Darth and he thought they had until he went to see the film in the cinema. Must have been a shock. But the really laugh is trying to imagine Darth Vader with a Devon accent.

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Are you guys getting your info from Theforce.net?? Thats why you think he's a clone!!!! LOL!! Guess what, their wrong on 2 things about Fett. 1. He doesnt die in the sarlaac pit. 2. He's not a clone... How the hell could they make a clone of a 12 year old??? Exactly... they couldnt, and Lucas knows thats way out of even the Star Wars Galaxy. If you'd like to know more, ***** and i might respond to you.... J/K, peace out guys :fett:

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Are you guys getting your info from Theforce.net?? Thats why you think he's a clone!!!! LOL!! Guess what, their wrong on 2 things about Fett. 1. He doesnt die in the sarlaac pit. 2. He's not a clone... How the hell could they make a clone of a 12 year old??? Exactly... they couldnt, and Lucas knows thats way out of even the Star Wars Galaxy. If you'd like to know more, ***** and i might respond to you.... J/K, peace out guys :fett:

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i know the books aren't exactly a cannon source, but i believe thrawn and his crew were pumping out full grown men clones in about 6 months with the help of c'baoth (sp) so one never knows i suppose. Not sure if lucas film is sticking with that story for the clone wars but just a thought

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FYI: I've seen the upcoming Episode II Visual Guide book. Boba Fett is indeed a perfect clone of his father, Jango Fett, so it's natural to assume as Boba Fett gets older he will look exactly like Jango Fett.


That's from an official (read: canon) source, not a fansite, EU novel, comic book, or otherwise....

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Look, let me give my two cents.


First off in all movies there are multiple expresstions of the same idea. Example Vampires: Some vamps look totally human while others look the walking monsters some make them.


as for clones i have seen cases in books or movies where the clone is an exact replica of the subject


Example the sixth day: arnolds clone was his exact age in that movie.


Other movies may represent the fetis clone, DNA of subjct is implanted into an egg which is grown and "born" in a test tube. this maybe the case with SW EII because i myself have seen pictures of child clones in the SW magizine. Look i'm not saying this is cannon bu that may be the path on the idea of cloning that lucas is taking. want solid facts then watch the movie wen it comes out


As for me i don' give t shakes of a banthas tail any way fact is Jango dies, boba dsappears and it don' matter what you skin boba to look like he's still a clone of his daddy any way.


P.S Jaster is to Boba, as Batman is to Bruce Wayne

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-foxbatkllr said:




Well, if you want to know what Boba Fett looks like, then you need a picture of Jango Fett, played by Temeura Morrison. Seeing as Boba is a clone of Jango, they look identical (minus the scars). Do not use a picture of Jeremy Bulloch who played Boba Fett in the original trilogy. Jango Fett is the closest we will get to seeing Boba's aged face. theforce.net has pictures of his face and I believe starwars.com does too. But use Jango's face as a reference because you simply won't find one of Boba's other than as a child.


-end quote


See thsi is what really miffs me off about what there doing with the new films apart from the severe diapointment with episode 1, there ripping the entended universe they allowed ppl to creat in the book that they liscenced and approved, boba fett was never a clone, Ive just woken so I cant remember

his original name and stuff liek that, but he was a normal human, a policeman infact. What's happening with these films just isnt on, they contradict far too much.


I only read the first post and finding out that just miffed me off

:p I apologise to anyone else who acctualy stated this, also boba fetts face is heavily scarred and the only place I can remmber it being described is in "Tales from jabbas palace"

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First off, FVCK the expanded universe. Lucas doesn't have to conform his movies to fit the EU. Any ass who thinks he's a SW fan and considers the expanded universe more important than the actual movies is just plain a GEEK. Strider...Boba is a clone of Jango. Boy I tell you, you really have no idea how cloning works do you? When you clone somebody, they aren't magically the same age as you, dumbass. That clone has to grow up and age just like you did. You artificially create an embryo using your own DNA...damn you're stupid. And oh yeah, did you know that Zam Wessel is not even human? Oh I bet you didn't know that, did you? She's a clawdite...so then why wouldn't Boba be half clawdite/half human? Yes Zam and Jango flirt but I also feel it's not possible for two different species to create offspring...in fact that's the definition of a species.


I believe Jarrodo has the best grip on things here.

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Originally posted by Foxbatkllr

Boy I tell you, you really have no idea how cloning works do you? When you clone somebody, they aren't magically the same age as you, dumbass. That clone has to grow up and age just like you did. You artificially create an embryo using your own DNA...damn you're stupid.


I can't comment on the whole Boba and Jango Fett debate, but when you clone the product will look exactly the same as the subject cloned. The DNA structure is the same, that is what cloning means. Their personality is another issue, since that is socially constructed.


Yes Zam and Jango flirt but I also feel it's not possible for two different species to create offspring...in fact that's the definition of a species.


Yes and no. This is fantasy so who knows. At the moment you're right we can't, but that isn't to say that it won't be possible. You'd just need the "right" different spieces. Artifically... well of course you can do it.

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Foxbatkllr shut up you idiot the new films are crap and u know it, unless your a kid then they may seem good, if your old enough to have seen even 1 of the original trilogy when it was relesed youd realise how crap they are, ooo look at me Ive got a big droid army all nicely rendered and polished, lmao, boba fett was never a clone and a clone IS an exact match physically, and by all accounts, which by the way have only been mentoned in the EU have the same personality, secondly, at the time when the new pantsy films are set cloning is utterly unreliable and most of the clones went nuts if there production was rushed, hence Jjorus C'baoth being a complete loon.

Also why bother giving the liscence for ppl to extend his universe, oh and by the way he has to OK every novel, comic, game before its released, and then basically tell them all to sod off so he can make a crappy film that ruins all teh work theyve done, granted a few of the books do contradict each other but only in small ways, its mainly the comics that really screwed it up there, the fact that the new films even contradict the original trilogy should give you some warning about them shouldnt it, there crap and dont fit in with the tales already told.


P.S. if u dont understand what I just said its coz it was a rant, from an eccentric mind. But basicaly I h8 ep 1 and what luc has done by screwing over all teh hard work ppl have done.

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Well I might not know how cloning in star wars works, here on earth clones are identical except for hair color.

The recently cloned cat is a good example. The original was a brown cat, but the clone was an orange cat. Although they were identical as far as dna there are some things, like hair color, that won't be identical.

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