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Help - I need Help - Can someone Help


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Help I'm stuck at the Artus Mines Topside after I rescued the Prisoners & blown up the Ion Cannons. I stuck in where the 2 legged Tin Cans :atat: bay is The top door is locked & I tried blowing it up - looking for trap doors &/or switches but a no go!


Help me please. - I'm been stuck for 2 days now & going insane.


If I can not get past this - can someone tell me how to cheat to get to the next level


Thank You

:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:

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Before you can move on, the two legged:atat: in the bay you came in (the one that brings you to the top of the canyon) has to be destroyed. Go outside by the blown up Ion Cannons and look, if its there you need to louer it out (use yourself as bait) and bring it to where the prisoners are, go up the big evevator and blast it with the topside turret. Once the last :atat: is destroyed Jan will talk to you. Then, you have to go all the way back to the big:atat: bay and that door will be open.

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