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Garbage Vent Jump


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So I'm certain the idea is jump into the one open wall vent as you ride the garbage beneath it, but I can't seem to get the right jump. I've tried a regular jump, a duck-jump, full on force jumps, standing, running, sideways, you name it! Is any one else having the same problem, or, even better, does any one have a bit of advise?

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It just goes to a secret level. No big deal. (spoiler) Once your on the garbage container and it starts to move, force push when you get to the traffic light and the container will continue to move. It will go to another light, do the same and you will move to the next level. Good luck.:D

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Thanks for the replies, but it seems I should have been a bit more clear. I already had finished the level, but was told I had only 5 of the 6 secrets. After tearing the city apart, I came to assume that it was indeed that open vent, (which probably spills out the small vent above the droid), that must lead to the 6th secret. Alas, I still have not been able to make this jump. (Must be a curse or something.)

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YOu know somethin dude? i have been starin at that open vent for bout 2 hrs a coupla days ago, pullin out my hair tryin to figure out how to get in, so far i havent. I have moved on after i realized i had to go onto the crane and then jump onto the garbage barge. That has been stickin with me since i completed that level. hope someone knows also.

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