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This is how to add taunts to your skin


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incase anyone else didn't see this buried in another topic:



Pretty simple thing, this is how I did it: In what will work as your base directory, make a directory called sound/chars/<yourskinnamedir>/misc.

In misc put a file called taunt.mp3... this is your taunt file. For the <yourskinnamedir> it should be the same name as the directory of your skin.


for example your structure would be like this:





and zip the sound and models for the directory structure.




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I can't get my custom taunt to show up. It's an mp3 file, encoded at 56kbits/sec, with the name "taunt.mp3". I have it in my pk3 file in the following manner: "sound/chars/geno/misc". In my "models/players/geno" directory I have sounds.cfg, which in it is



Unfortunately, this isn't working. Each time I go into the game and try to taunt, I just get the Reborn taunt, the one where a Reborn laughs maniacally.


How do I fix this??

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so if I read this correct you have a models/players/geno/sound/chars/geno/misc directory in you pk3 file? wich would explain wht it doesn't work...


you need a


and a



check out assets0.pk3 out with winzip to see how it should be

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well.. i opened the darth vader (cheesy as it is) skin and i found out how to make the custom sounds thing is.. for some reason.. unknown to me the taunt i made (actually i made 3) does not work.. now is there a way to turn a wav into an mp3? because all my other custom sounds DO work.. well fall doesnt work either but that is unimportant.. if you have any suggestions or tips that i can use for this please email me at shaolin_monkey@hotmail.com.. the skin i submitted was incompleted no bot support no custom sounds and no team support but it was so well made i had to post it early.. now im going back and making it right.. the skin uses my voice as it is my character in the SWRPG

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