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where do i go after i meet lando?


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Lando tells you the password then you have to go back to the room you couldn't get in before. It's in the corner, upstairs, of the main hangar garbage room I believe. Then beat the guys and you meet up with Lando again. Follow him to the area overlooking the ship. He'll use the computers and send you on tasks. Take the lift in the room by him and keep going in new doors and pathways you find. You'll come to a huge room with a big pit in the center. On the other side is a door that leads to a pitch black room. Use goggles and find the small crate you can jump over. When you come out, you'll end up in an area with some large boxes and a few guys in between. In the distance you'll see a command center place with 2 guns that will be shooting at Lando as you approach them. Take them out. Go through the door on the right down the hall. You'll come to a room with a few guys in it - speed works great for killing them all. Keep going past that room through the next door and I believe you end up back outside on the catwalks on the other side of the command center. Walk out to the circular outcropping and jump up to the ledge with the laser cannons, hit a switch, keep going onwards. I think you'll then eventually end up in another command center with another switch and then you keep going and end up back in the hangar. Fight some guys and go the ship with Lando. He'll send you back out on more quests. They're not too bad...

1. On both sides of the hangar, underneath some stuff, are grates leading to the areas needed to open the roof. Go through each one, hit all the switches, make your way back to the hanger, and repeat for the other side.

2. To open the fuel flow, fist walk through the hangar and find the two machines that have hoses connected to the ship. Each box will have a symbol on it. Remember them. Leave the hangar and go back outside. Around the corner, in the back, is an area with some pipes overhead. You can force jump up onto them and walk across to the fuel controls. Input the 2 codes. Head back to the ship.


Now you are rewarded with a fun treat.


Good luck.

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