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Jedi Knight 2: The Ending....erm...ok....that's it? *SPOILERS*


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Originally posted by Moleculor


Oh NO! I just realized that that game TOTALLY ruined Boba Fett's reputaton for ALWAYS getting his bounty! Noooo!



Not sure if it applies, but the Episode II trailer has a fight scene between fett and Obi-wan. Can't say for sure a bountry was taken out on Obi, but he most definitely didn't get his man in that case. Since Obi seems to be investigating the clones fett's dad is building for the empire (stop whining, this is all from the trailers) It might just be an instance of "step off my pops, yo".. only time will tell.


humm.. fight scenes between fett and obi wan, anikan--using multi sabres-- and some dark jedi, dooku and obi wan, the ever talked about (but as of yet unseen) fight between dooku and yoda, plus mace and many other jedi fighting the empire.. humm.. sounds like a damn good flick (CAN'T WAIT!!)... Ohh.. it just hit me,

the closer for the third film will probably be the death of this new sith, dooku-- as it will be cheesie and quite un starwars like for a main bad guy to die in every movie, yet episode III can't end without some kind of hope.

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I thought the ending was a little weak. Maybe its true that Jedi don't get all jumpy and emotional when they win. But what about everyone else. Usually you see others cheering them on after the battle is over. I KNOW that not everyone fighting was a Jedi; there were normal troops helping out too.


Also, please, someone tell me what on earth that energy/force beam is at the end scene. During the fight with Desann? I activated it and jumped into it multiple times. But I never could see what it actually did. Anyone?


-Simwan the Curious

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Unfortunately I hadn't been keeping track of which level I was on (they aren't numbered) so I didn't realise it was the end until Dessan was toast. I was expecting to be trotting off to the Valley of the Jedi to wipe out some minions and then maybe find some big robot dude enfused with the Force (that's what Fyyar was trying to do, right? Put some force-juice into machines? :confused: ) I think it was worth it to see that cutscene though. The way Kyle lifts Jan straight up in the air is so amusingly wooden, and Kyle and Luke's handshake - oh man! lol :D

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Originally posted by mattskywalker1

When Jan was supposedly killed I was hoping that on the last level Kyle would find out Desann made Jan a Reborn and would force Kyle to fight her. The result would be half way through Kyle would stop fighting and like Luke in ROTJ say that he was a Jedi and by doing so turning Jan to the light side before taking on an angry Desann. This ending would allow for another Jedi character in the series and a more emotional finale we were all expecting.


Perhaps then there could be something about a problem with Jan's new sensitivity in the Force.


On Bespin, when you first battle a Reborn, after you kill it Kyle says something about how its power is warped. So, perhaps this could mean Jan is some kind of "deformed Jedi" or something.

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