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skinning issues w/ photoshop 5.5?


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Been trying to make a few skins using Khan's tutorial (which is great BTW) but I've run into one MAJOR issue. It seems the skin textures I make with photoshop 5.5, when previewed in-game cause JK II to lock up (while loading them)... I think it might have something to do with photoshop's default jpeg compression settings, (as textures edited with microsoft imaging work fine) but i have no idea how to save my photoshop textures so they'll be liked by JK II... any tips or workarounds on how to save them in the correct jpeg format would be GREATLY appreciated, hell I'll even send you my first skin as a reward... I'm desperate... eep...

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I have no skinning experience, but lots of photoshop.. Make sure you choose -> Save As, and make sure you are using Baseline compression, at the highest setting. That should work (but then again, I don't officialy know). Just something to try.. Let me know if it works

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Finally got it working, kind of... tried all jpeg compression options in photoshop to no avail, but i found if you create the jpeg in photoshop, save it & the open & re-save with Wally (quake & HL texture editor) it corrects the compression so the textures work in game... will post 2 skins soon... one is a jeditrainer model alien/nearhuman bounty hunter skin & the other is a sithknight from the sith empire (5,000 or so years b4 the battle of Yavin, based on info in the starwars rpg "dark side sourcebook" by wizards of the coast... the old sith guys look more evil) which i think may end up being the 1st weequay skin... anyway i'll post them here in forums & massassi.net...

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