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Dueling with a Sabre


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I love this game and the light sabre battles. But too often I find myself swinging wildy with the various combos.


Crouch and hit is a very cool attack.


What I have not figured out yet, does it matter where you aim the light sabre. I appretiate if you aim away from the enemy you will not hit. But is it better to aim for say the head than the body.


I'm sure in battles at the moment i'm getting too frantic :(


Also should you try and hit as they do a hit - what is the best tip. A number of times i'm finding i'm being taken out with one hit after a battle, how is this possible. Are they hanging their light sabre style.


Another thing I saw which was very cool. I got pushed to the ground. As I struggled to get up he threw the light sabre at me. Ouch dead:(


Anyway any tips on the actual dualing part of the battles would be appretiated.




p.s thank god for absorb ;)

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