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Natural Born Jedi -UK-


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W're based in the UK, so anyone that is from Europe and England can join (as long as you can speak English)

You can be on any connection you like

You need to have at least some amount of skill at the game, we intend to join competitions and leages and stuff.

You have to be dedicated, we're serious about this, and we really want this to work.

No one under 13, or over 30, just to keep a certain age group (sorry)

Even though most of us are Light-side, dark-siders are welcome too..both sides have lots to learn about the other ^_^


SO far we have 6 members


Grig Orig/Ed - Clanleader (msn grig_orig@hotmail.com)

Gwan - Co-Leader

PseudoFun/Pse - Co-Leader (icq 35903564)

Hen Gon Jin/Henz - Not sure of his title yet..Court Jester probably

OniKage - Pro

Dark Seifer - again title not set


Things the clan have:


Web site - http://www.nbjclan.da.ru (still under construction)

IRC channel - irc.eu.gamesnet.net #nbjclan


What will come soon..


Leagues/Ladders - probably apply sometime this week

Clan server - already in the works, just waiting for money

LAN parties

and so on... the sky's the limit.


If you've read this far then you must at least be interested, get in touch with me Pseudofun@munkeymagic.freeserve.co.uk


or give Ed a bell on MSN, or just pop into our irc channel, most of us play on the Jolt servers, and occasionally on the gamesdomain servers.


^_^ Pse





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I ran into nbJ Esp and we had gg and he told me nbJ were

recruitin and he told me to look you guys up at this board, so here's my reply.

I'm 23 live in the Netherlands and my system specs are:


AMD AthlonXP 1800+

MSI K7T266 Pro2

512MB DDR RAM pc2100

Hercules Geforce3

IBM 40 gig 7200rpm

19" Iiyama Vision Master Pro452

Boomslang 2000 / Everglide Giganta

Inet conn: cable


plz lemme know summin

grtz... dis



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Distortion is our newest member, we also have a channel on quakenet (just waiting for our Qbot)






we also just signed up for ClanBase, so hurry up, we have a few spots left to fill in our initial line up




Pse ^_^

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Shameless bump, yeah, you'll get over it.


BTW It's the clans 5 day anniversary! woo let's party! and recruit some more members! and eat pringles! woo! This means we have recruited on average a member a day, therefore it follows by our first anniversary we will have 365 and quarter members. I was thinking of a maximum of 12, so get your rear in gear and let us know.


Grig Orig


PS We're great, so what are you waiting for?

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9 members now


quickly running out of spaces before we sign up for ladders etc, then training begins.


team FFA, Duels and we MAY do CTF


dunno yet, so anyway we have about 3-4 more spaces, so if you're anywhere in europe and can speak english, email me at the address in the first post




Pse ^_^

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