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Here is some help with Clan Management


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We'd like to elect some clans for a free beta testing project that we are doing for clans.


The No 1 thing, which is a pain in arse for clan admins, is the upkeep.


No2 and most important concern is security. We admins don’t like to give out access to our web server to numerous folks, so that they may update the sites roster, links, gallery etc.


Would you like to have a roster, links, calendar, news or gallery of screenshots? -On your site. Would like to have it where you don’t have to personally manage it all?



ClanBuilder™ version 1.00 beta goes live starting beta testing December 14, 2001.


ClanBuilder™ features total clan resource management including a roster, calendar, news board, gallery, links and robust security.


The ClanBuilder™ roster is a fully customizable roster allowing clan leaders to create their own fields, ranks and awards. The roster supports ICQ allowing visitors to add clan members to their ICQ contact list or send a message directly from the roster at the click of a button.


The ClanBuilder™ calendar allows events to be created for the clan as a whole or a specific division. Recurrence patterns allow guild masters to easily create recurring events.


The ClanBuilder™ news board is a powerful tool that allows news articles to be posted by any visitor requiring approval by the clan leader before appearing on the news board. Like the rest of the ClanBuilder™ tools, division specific news can be posted.


The ClanBuilder™ links and gallery allow screen-shots and links to be easily added and categorized.


The ClanBuilder™ security model is simple yet powerful allowing clan leaders to delegate administrative tasks to specific members and customize which members can make changes to any tool.


ClanBuilder™ is rich set of tools allowing full customization down to the individual colors on the screen. Easy to use, yet powerful, no clan can afford to be without this timesaving tool.


to view an example of the end product displayed

Roster: http://www.hel-guild.org/admintool/helroster/roster.php?instance=1


Calendar: http://www.hel-guild.org/admintool/helcalendar/calendar.php?instance=1


Links: http://www.hel-guild.org/admintool/hellinks/links.php?instance=1


Gallery: http://www.hel-guild.org/admintool/helgallery/gallery.php?instance=1



If your interested in having this for ya website , pla contact me @ helasmo@hotmail.com.

I submit our site as an example.


I am the super admin. I add and edit users permissions. The user can have 3 levels of access-Super admin, Admin and Normal permissions.


ALL THIS FROM A LINK ON YA WEBSITE! No FTP Access given or required into your web server!


***Super Admin- he can do it all like the admins, but he can also add/edit user accounts for everyone (up to including admin accounts). He also has couples of links show up (extras) that give him the ability to shutdown all the features and or opens it back up.


**Admin- can make changes on the entire roster, gallery, links and calendar. He can Add or delete users who are admins or just normal users. He cannot delete the super admins account or edit any of the super admins features.


*Normal users- These are guys who super Admin or Admin's level accounts/people, add to the list of folks who can view your admin page/ do updates - HOWEVER! They have only the ability to edit or add rosters, gallery, links etc - pertaining to the game you Super Ad and Admins chose to give them permission to. They can’t edit or add anyone as far giving folks permission to the page.


$$$$So as super admin, I gave my co-leaders 'Admin ' user level permission. I gave our chapter / particular game leaders- 'Normal' user level permission access! -To the admin page.


Our T2 game leader upon receiving his unique User /pw (NORMAL user level access), logs in to the admin page-> enters his user and pw.


He then only sees links regarding T2. He does not see any links that he can edit regarding other game rosters (incase you into multiple games), gallery etc. He can update the Mw4 roster, add screenshots to the gallery for MW4 or put links to Mw4 related sites (links portion), that’s all!


Email- helsmo@hotmail.com, to sign up for free beta testing.

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