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Light side beats Dark side


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I went on a duel server yesturday evening and played some guy with light force powers.

It was extemley annoying because every time i got his health down he ran off and healed himself. Consequently, i gave up because it was taking to long to kill him even though i was a better swordsman.

I conclude that light side beats dark side when used properly.

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Use Force Drain on him, and he will have no force power to use Heal. If he puts on absorb, he will loose force power and cannot heal, and as soon as it runs out, force drain him.

Every 5 second or so, tap the force drain key and tap the little force he built up again.

Then you will have a player screaming:

"You stinking n00b loos4h!! Stop draining!".


Try responding with: "Well, if you stop healing"


then you will get a: "It's not the same thing! Heal dont steal your force power!"...


I hate people who thinks it's ok for them to use heal, while complaining on me for using my only healing force as a Sith.


And I will laugh the day a patch thats allows you to select which forces that can be used by players comes out... All drain-haters will instantly turn off drain, but with a newbie fashion will keep heal for the light side...


Force Drain overpowers the light side. I seldom gets beaten by a Jedi playing as a Sith, and when I do, its a random red stance blow that escapes my defense.

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Actually, I think heal is almost as overpowered as drain is, and I play as a lightsider. ;)


I think Raven should slow it down too. I'm all about people being able to heal themselves, but not in mid-swing, or after every time they take even 5 points of damage. It should take a few seconds for the healers hp to build back up. That way, they'd have to find a safe place away from the battle, or at least go on the defensive.

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Heal isn't exactly overpowered.


The times I do find it very useful when I go against 4 people.


You also have to remember that if you use absorb against someone using drain, you don't gain any force from it. Also, you can use drain without having damage done to you.


Oh, and drain is almost as immediate as healing, especially if you grab from a group of people.


I use the Light side, only after getting my ass handed to me when I was dueling someone. Heal takes a massive amounts of force. Yah, I get 50 health, but I loose over a 1/4 of my force bar, and that 50 health can be taken down in one yellow strike.


Oh well, people will never get over it, and forces will never be "balanced" because everyone wants to be uber.


The only time I complain about drain is when someone uses it and you know they aren't hurt. That's annoying as f*ck.


[edit] I can't speel [/edit] :jawa

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im a lighty and have no fear from a darksider using drain.


mind trick....strong lunge, fast spin attack


then wait to plan the counterattack next pass. most often they will drain or grip, either way use force pull. When using either one they leave themselves wide open, especially with drain. so use a very fast force pull(before they can drain you) and slice them on the ground. Or my personal favorite, pull and do the strong backstab.


heal is very nice as well. only takes bout 4 force bars for a 50% heal. a few backflips, siderolls(this is where the darkys ***** about running) and you can regen.


again when using the light side, it seems to me its all about counter attacks. shrug, its the way it is to me. Some of ya are not true lightsiders! Zealots will overcome the darkside.


Also your saber strat plays a big role, if you can master a few swings you are guaranteed to do some damage, and all it takes is a few swings to win a match.


on another note...when 2 players get in a saber lock(damn the mp gfx on this suck), i have never seen anyone win, or force push out and use a finishing blow in their oppenent....


/ramble off



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im a lighty and have no fear from a darksider using drain.


mind trick....strong lunge, fast spin attack


then wait to plan the counterattack next pass. most often they will drain or grip, either way use force pull. When using either one they leave themselves wide open, especially with drain. so use a very fast force pull(before they can drain you) and slice them on the ground. Or my personal favorite, pull and do the strong backstab.


heal is very nice as well. only takes bout 4 force bars for a 50% heal. a few backflips, siderolls(this is where the darkys ***** about running) and you can regen.


again when using the light side, it seems to me its all about counter attacks. shrug, its the way it is to me. Some of ya are not true lightsiders! Zealots will overcome the darkside.


Also your saber strat plays a big role, if you can master a few swings you are guaranteed to do some damage, and all it takes is a few swings to win a match.


on another note...when 2 players get in a saber lock(damn the mp gfx on this suck), i have never seen anyone win, or force push out and use a finishing blow in their oppenent....


/ramble off



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