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Hia folks, posted this question on several other forums, but noone seems to know the answer (yet?), so I figured I'd try yet another forum.


I'm currently working on a Mara Jade skin (I know it's boring and done before, but ya gotta practice on something don't ya :p), Anyway, I'm using the jan model and there are some things that I think really shouldn't be on the model for mara jade.


So I used modview and found out I could remove those, by changing which surfaces are show, and which are not.


Now my question, how do I make this work in JK2? Modview can generate a script, but I don't know what to do with it. I tried putting it in the /scripts/ dir, and in the /models/players/jan dir. I tried changing the name to match the skin name, but all without success.


I know this is possible in the engine, because if in single player you add the jediF npc you have the jan model also without some surfaces.


so someone who knows, please help!

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OK... trying to follow what you're saying here...


Are you trying to change the model?


If so, then you're going to have difficulty doing that until Raven release the GDK and necessary gubbins to make models for JO. I believe (not yet being a modeller myself) that there are various tags and properties that need to be saved with the model for it to work in JO and, as of yet, these are unavailable to us mere mortals.


However, if you mean something entirely different then could you clarify a little more about what you mean by surfaces. (Screenshots perhaps might help!)

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I'd post some screenshots if I had space to post them... :(


however, go to single player, and add a jan NPC, and a jediF npc, and look at them.. should explain what I mean. I'm not trying to alter the model, because these things are already there. I just want the game to display it properly.



p.s. for those who don't know how to add an npc.. read below


go to the console (shift + ~) and type the following commands


\helpusobi 1

\npc spawn jan

\npc spawn jediF

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