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Demo...how to name one (or see it!!!)


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I know how to make a demo..that part I have got as a script bound to a key to start and stop it. When I make a demoingame it states that the demo is being recorded..but when I come out of the game it is not located anywhere......dimly recall with q3 you had to name the demo something for it to be recorded properly..or am I talking tosh here..


any help would be great...



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silly me....

I was trying to record a demo in single player.that doesnt work, only in multiplayer


It is a little bit jerky though on playback, does anyone know how to smooth it out a little bit. The script file I use is below


//REcord Demo - Press F12

set record1 "g_synchronousclients 1; record; g_synchronousclients 0; echo Recording Started; bind f12 vstr record0"

set record0 "stoprecord; echo Recording Stopped; g_synchronousclients 0; bind f12 vstr record1"

bind f12 "vstr record1"





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sorted it out...I changed it as below.....

jerkyness is no more


//REcord Demo - Press F12

set record1 "g_synchronousclients 1; record; g_synchronousclients 1; echo Recording Started; bind f12 vstr record0"

set record0 "stoprecord; echo Recording Stopped; g_synchronousclients 1; bind f12 vstr record1"

bind f12 "vstr record1"


hope this helps ya all

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easy way to set up the above is to copy the script as a .cfg file ie. demo.cfg

then place it in your base folder. Go into the mulitplayer game and bring down the console and type in exec demo.cfg

No when you press f12 it will start recording and press it again to stop recording.

Change all instances of f12 in the script file if you already have it bound to a key.


hope this is of some help



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Originally posted by Belial6672

When you do make a demo go to multiplayer start screen and then go to play and select play demo at the bottom of the list





No, I mean when I download a demo file, which folder should I put it into? The savegame folder or do I have to make a new folder for demos?:confused:

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To answer both of your posts...

1. When I write out a script I use notepad, or any text file editor.

2. To view a demo place in your base\demos folder. If you havent made a demo there wont be a demos folder so manually add one to you base directory.


there ya both go



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