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Ever met a guy named Kensai around?


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I believe Kensai is Japanese for "Sword Saint". The greatest Japanese swordsman was someone named Mushashi Miyamoto - the Kensai. He killed over 60 men in one-v-one duels, sometimes using a wooden stick, while the other guys used real swords. He is also the author of the famed "Book of 5 Rings".

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Originally posted by Hado

Train your body to be like a rock, and ten thousand things will not touch you..






If you didn't pick it up, this is a quote from the Book of Five Rings by Musashi, which was referred to earlier.


"When you have mastered the Way of Strategy you can suddenly make your body like a rock and ten thousand things cannot touch you. This is the body of a rock."


Basically, this is part of almost a spiritual guide to his technique in fencing.


Besides that, I still want to see this demo.

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Originally posted by seanconnery

It's just that Kensai had the line(yes, that very same line!) and several other quotes from the Book bound to a key.



Now that's pretty cool - I would have liked to see that.


You'd want to be good enough to back up in action any comments like that you make though, but from what you say - that certianly wasn't an issue.

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