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stuck with lando.. the usual.

A Big Fat CoW

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except, im stuck right after the meeting with reelo. i've pushed the button and stuff, and lando said i should get back to the ship, cept theres no path going onward, and i dont have enough battery's to backtrack (for the dark room with the weird verticle pipe thingies) anyone know what i should do? heh any help is apreciated. kthxbye

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jaja That happened to me too, ok heres the thing.


when you get inside that room, your right at the door. i want you to walk to the right until you stop, then jump and press foward, one of the pipes should be smaller than the rest opening a way to jump for you, after that just follow the trail of darkness and it will lead to a door, that door will lead to a roof.


If you need any help tell me, my MSN is: Rick29SC@hotmail.com ill be glad to help you

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