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I just beat Tavion with no shields.

Master Spiff

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yea, you cant grip her. you can grip the Reborn though.


As for the two levers, they turn the beam on that desann was standing in when you first came into the room. This beam give you increased force powers when you enter it (for a short time) so you dont get completly rocked by desann.



As for the person saying that it isnt easy in master, 100% complete lie. You may "map" out tavion, but the fact is, she is much much faster than you(she uses your light stance and will counter your speed with one of her own). if you wait until she swings to make good your attack, her attack will end and she will block your attack. I used the pull method, and it took me about 30 tries. (the crouch and lunge is very very nasty)

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Well with you normal reborn jedi my trick is to let come running at me and at the last moment before they chop off my head I force push them and run up anf chop them when there on the floor a ver esy way of killing them and on Tavion front I was just lucky and got a bunch of attacks in quickly.

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you said you saved just before encountering each boss? Then you mapped there moves? How can you do that when every boss you meet is in an open spaces and appears without your knowledge? Desann is in the lower space and you cannot get him to move until you triggerthe cutscene. Tavion does not come out till you go into the level and trigger the cutscene. and Gallak is the same way. I personally am not the game god you guys are cause it was a hard game for me on jedi. I personally think some people read some guides before playing because there is a lot of gotchas in this game. You can't avoid being hit in some places.

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You gotta love how everyone just loves to trash talk about how good they are and how easy the game is. I'm not here to brag myself, it took me 30 tries to beat tavion but less for desann. Desann was stronger but not as fast, plus he used lightning quite a bit. I also found that force speed makes it easier. I played on jedi difficulty. One fact remains though...AI cheat. That is the only way a computer can fight you is for the cpu to counteract your moves with preprogrammed scripts. And your computer can counter-react to a move faster than you can pull it off. Its a form of cheating but hey...thats the way it has to be for it work. So for anyone that says that the highest difficulty was a breeze was either using there own "console" cheats or is just plain bs'ing. I for one used "give all" severak times. I like to just jump in and slash, its more fun.

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Originally posted by GalacticBulge

ROFL! I tried that too!


I was thinking.. I haven't tried this yet, but when I get home I'm gonna try to take control of Desann and make one of those pillars fall on him. Now THAT would be freakin' hilarious.

Well, you can make Desann cause a pillar to fall on himself, I just mind tricked him and sabered a pillar, and it came crashing down on him, hehe.


A true Jedi avoids meaningless conflict, hehe.

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I think all the people who claim it was really easy should write what level the game was set to. I think you will find not many of them played the game first time on anything more than jedi. Wow you must all feel great telling everyone that played it on master how stupid they are cause they didn't beat tavion or desann first go. Perhaps if you had a common point of reference, ie you played the game on master, you could join in on a conversation and contribute something worthwhile.


As for mind tricking Dessan, it doesn't work, you have to cheat to mind trick him, mind trick only works on weak minded enemies, ie stormtroopers, rodians, it doesn't work on shadow troopers reborn or tavion or dessan

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well, if everyone would like to know (not that they would or would even believe me...heh) i played the game on master and i didnt find desann difficult...


heres why


1) i can run away very easily

2) he throws his saber a LOT, allowing me to knock his saber down, speed in, and slash....

3) he dies in about 10 or less strong hits (im not sure because i never really listened to see if it was his saber being hit or me hitting him...)

4) he doesnt use lightning all that much (lightning kills, but with heal, it isnt an issue at all)


why hes a little hard =)

1) when you use speed, he uses speed and then grips you, and when you push him, he immediately grips you, and this continues until you have no mana, and thus die

2) he can knock you down quite easily, and saber throws above your body, and when you get up, uh its not very pleasant =)


a few strategies that might be helpful for those who are having problems with desann

if you are trying to recover your health, simply run (force speed) or strafe jump away or simply just strafe run away...then heal and keep running around the top part...if he is at the bottom, just push him down when he is in the air...

i used strong...it worked pretty well

dont leave your back to desann...he WILL kill you easily...

let him swing first, because he uses a modified strong stance, it takes a while for him to finish, and if you are close to him when he starts his swing, just force speed in and slice his torso...

run away!!!!!!!!!!!! that is the biggest help for me...when you use force speed once, run away and let your mana recharge do not try to use force speed twice in a row that is suicidal, and you are asking to be gripped...

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Originally posted by manickat

I don't think you can push her off the edge. I've been using the setforce cheats to up my mind trick level so I can possess the NPCs, and I noticed when you're Tavion, there's an invisible barrier along the edge of the platform that you can't cross. I think it's to keep the battle from ending too quickly, plus the finishing cutscene wouldn't make sense ...


I had heard some people saying that they had pushed her off the edge, and I also didn't think it was possible, until I fought her on Jedi Knight difficulty yesterday. She was standing on top of the hauler, taunting me as usual (Taunt me when I can actually use my light stance, b*tch!!! :D), when she decided to Jump on top of me. I looked up, sidestepped to the right, and hit forcepush.


Now, Tavion is pretty susceptible to a forcepush, but rarely have I pushed her more than a few yards away. Hehe, imagine my surprise that at the moment I hit the push button I heard her scream AAAAARRRGGGHHHH and saw her sailing away off into the distance. Cue cutscene :)


No, it doesn't make much sense, but it's damn funny as hell :D


Btw, I noticed that a lot of people claim that the game is really easy etc, even on Jedi Master yadda yadda yadda..

I'll agree to a certain point. If you get used to the light stance, it rocks in single player. The only one you really can't defeat with it logically is Desann, all the other opponents are easy meat when it comes to the light stance, even Tavion. The lunge is probably the best move in the game, the AI falls for it 8 out of 10 times you try it, and you can get the lunge off within a snap second, so I can manage to perform the lunge even while trading blows. Since you can hardly defend against it, and it does a *%$%$ amount of damage, it's usually byebye Reborn (or Tavion, for that matter).

However, Play WITHOUT Force Speed! I've done it, it IS possible (on Jedi Master), but I sure would NOT call it easy.

Force Speed makes the game easy, so give yourself a challenge, and try it without Force Speed. :)



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