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Do I have this right?


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Okay, I am totally new to skinning, let me say that up front.


I want to make a set of skins for my clan. We have a dedicated server.


As I understand it, if we have the skins on our server, then everyone who plays on that server will be able to see them. Is this correct?


Another thing, I haven't seen any info on how to make team skins. How does it differ from making standard skins?



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It does for those making skins, but think about it. If everytime you hit a server, you had to download new skins, you wouldn't be hitting to many unfamiliar servers. New skins are not required for game play. If I hit a server that had 8 people on it, and everyone had a custom skin, and I had a 56K (god forbid!) it might take hours to get connected.


- Vorax

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What you can do is add a MOTD that points people at a site to download the skins. You and your clan buds will see the skins, if they want the skins, they will take the time to go to the site.


That is about the best you can do.


- Vorax

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